[CANUFNET] Manchurian Ash

Mark Peterson mpa at golden.net
Wed Jul 16 08:48:28 EDT 2008

Does anyone know of an Ontario source for 1 or 2 gal. Manchurian Ash 
(Fraxinus mandshurica) grown /propagated in OMNR seed zone 32, 34, or 37?

Mark Peterson, BES, MLArch, OALA
Mark Peterson & Associates, Landscape Architect
(519)743-2990        www.openspacesolutions.com

Land Uses, Neighborhood Satisfaction and the Urban Forest
New approaches to urban design have included the concept of walkable 
communities as a means to reduce suburbia's dependence on vehicles. Studies 
have shown that when extensive tree and shrub cover is provided (the urban 
forest) within residential areas,in particular those adjacent to retail land 
uses, neighbourhood satisfaction increases. Perhaps development regulations 
should provide for more urban forest. 

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