[CANUFNET] Tree Bylaws and infrastructure conflicts

Listar, Ivan ilistar at london.ca
Mon Nov 10 09:18:20 EST 2008

We have a Boulevard Tree Protection By-law
(http://www.london.ca/By-laws/PDFs/boulevard_tree.pdf ) which prohibits
residents from damaging City trees but allows for removal of trees by
mutual consent where the resident pays the City for the removal.  This
is used for situations where there is tree damage or trees need to be
removed for development/renovation purposes.  The City repairs public
infrastructure damaged by City trees to the property line which may
include root cutting. We provide advice to residents on mitigation
measures but do not have any other policies in palce.

Ivan Listar, R.P.F. 
Urban Forester, City of London 
A.J. Tyler Operations Centre 
663 Bathurst St. 
London, Ont.  N5Z 1P8 
Phone: 519-661-2500 ext. 4977 
mailto:ilistar at london.ca 
fax: 519-661-2352 


From: canufnet-bounces at list.web.net
[mailto:canufnet-bounces at list.web.net] On Behalf Of Guy Martin
Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2008 11:55 AM
To: canufnet at list.web.net
Subject: [CANUFNET] Tree Bylaws and infrastructure conflicts


Hello all,


Well we are finally getting into the 21st century and have a new
director that wants to start drafting some tree bylaws.

I know that this has been discussed on this network at length but pose
this question yet again. I am looking for links to other municipalities
for their tree bylaws...we do not want to reinvent the wheel by any
means, so I am asking for your assistance.


The first thing that they would like me to look into is tree root and
infrastructure conflicts on our property in regards to private dwellings
(driveways mainly) and commercial frontages. According to the
interpretation of the Municipal Insurance Authority on this issue, once
a situation has been brought to our attention, we are obligated to
ensure that no further damage occurs. Our measures may include tree
removal (when necessary), root mitigation (when possible) and the like.
We are not responsible for the repairs unless they worsen or continue,
due to our lack of action.


The issue at play here is that when the repairs are being done, who is
going to look after the tree and specifically the roots.

My director has suggested three options:


1.       City repair with estimate, cost going to homeowner (repairs
only to property line)

2.       An approved list of contractors, ones that understand the
dynamics involved 

3.       Work performed by anyone with a certified arborist on site that
will submit a report to the City of Langley


We prefer either 1 or 3 as the standard to be used. So with all that
said, I am curious as to how other municipalities handle these issues
along with the relevant bylaws.


Thank you, 


Guy Martin


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