[CANUFNET] Trees in Downtown business areas

Cybulski, Cat Cat.Cybulski at york.ca
Thu Jan 14 12:04:17 EST 2010

Hi Dean,

I am not certain where in downtown London you are planting trees - along
streets, in parks, or on private property?

If you have not already, may I suggest you contact LEAF (Local
Enhancement and Appreciation of Forests) in Toronto.  What you are doing
sounds similar to what they do for city residents on private property.

If you are planting on municipal property, you will likely need to
adhere to the City's guidelines.  There may be good reason for the City
to reject certain species (e.g. poplar becomes a safety and maintenance
issue due to its short life and weak wood, so they may not want them in
parks, and poplar are not good street trees for the same reason).

I would guess there is a greater range of tree species that will perform
well in park settings, but from experience I know there is a narrow
range of species that do well as street trees.  Unfortunately few of our
native Canadian species can tolerate urban conditions.

We probably have different conditions along our Regional roads than
along downtown London streets, but the following are species we have
found are consistent good performers along our high-speed, high-salt,
windy road conditions.  Even with these, matching species to site is

Norway maple 	Acer platanoides 	
Freeman maple	Acer freemanii (the varieties that are closer to silver
Silver maple 	Acer saccharinum 	
Ohio buckeye 	Aesculus glabra 		
Horse chestnut 	Aesculus hippocastanum 	
Hackberry	      Celtis occidentalis	
Honey locust 	Gleditsis triacanthos 		
Kentucky coffeetree 	Gymnocladus dioicus 	
Pin Oak 	      Quercus palustris 		
Littleleaf linden Tilia cordata
Hedge maple	      Acer camprestre
Serviceberry	Amelanchier canadensis
Shubert cherry	Prunus virginiana 'Shubert'
Ornamental pear	Pyrus 'Chantieleer' or 'Redspire'
Ivory silk lilac	Syringa reticulata
Colorado blue spruce 	Picea  pungens 
Norway spruce 	Picea abies 
Austrian pine 	Pinus nigra 

Cat Cybulski, R.P.F.
Area Forester
Regional Municipality of York
(905) 895-1200 ext. 5275

-----Original Message-----
From: canufnet-bounces at list.web.net
[mailto:canufnet-bounces at list.web.net] On Behalf Of Dean Sheppard
Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2010 10:19 AM
To: canufnet at list.web.net
Subject: Re: [CANUFNET] Trees in Downtown business areas

Hi All,

I represent a local tree planting charity in London which is trying to
install trees in Downtown London.  Species selection (and acceptance by
City) is proving difficult due to concerns with tolerance of downtown
conditions. I would find it extremely helpful to hear what species are
used (successfully or otherwise) in other downtown areas. Native species
would be of highest interest.

Dean Sheppard
ReForest London
London, ON
rdsheppard at rogers.com

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