[CANUFNET] Today's Topic Ohio Buckeye, Aesculus glabra

Boysen, Barb (MNR) barb.boysen at ontario.ca
Tue Jan 19 14:09:13 EST 2010

Hello again


Just a plea to note that 'native to Ontario' can be meaningless in a
province as big and diverse as Ontario.  


Consider, as Bohdan Kowalyk stated, that it is only native to a very
tiny bit of SW Ontario.  Also consider that it has a larger USA range
and that you have to be very careful of what genetic sources (both
geographic and diverse seedling vs clonal) are available and how well
they will be adapted to your local area. 



Barb Boysen, Coordinator

Forest Gene Conservation Association


Suite 233, 266 Charlotte St

Peterborough, Ontario

K9J 2V4


T: (705) 755-3284

F: (705) 755-3292

C: (705) 875-7150


barb.boysen at ontario.ca





From: canufnet-bounces at list.web.net
[mailto:canufnet-bounces at list.web.net] On Behalf Of Ken Marchant
Sent: January 19, 2010 11:48 AM
To: canufnet at list.web.net
Subject: [CANUFNET] Today's Topic Ohio Buckeye, Aesculus glabra


While not fully pertinent to the discussion, Ohio Buckeye, (Aesculus
glabra) is now considered by many experts to be native to Ontario.


Ken Marchant

Guelph, Ontario

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