[CANUFNET] FW: CIF - Tree Canada - Urban Forestry - Electronic Lecture Series

Mike Rosen mrosen at treecanada.ca
Mon Mar 8 08:24:58 EST 2010

FYI/à titre d'information...

Michael Rosen, R.P.F.
President / président, Tree Canada / Arbres Canada
402 - 222 Somerset St. West / 402 - 222, rue Somerset ouest
Ottawa ON K2P 2G3
T 1.877-666-1444; 613. 567-5545 X. 222 ;  F/Téléc (613) 567-5270
E/C mrosen at treecanada.ca<mailto:mrosen at treecanada.ca>
www.treecanada.ca<http://www.treecanada.ca/> / www.arbrescanada.ca<http://www.arbrescanada.ca/>
Come join us at: Truro, Nova Scotia
9th Canadian Forest Urban Conference
October 5th - 8th, 2010

From: Matt Meade [mailto:mmeade at cif-ifc.org]
Sent: Friday, March 05, 2010 10:54 AM
To: Mike Rosen; dnowak at fs.fed.us; MEastwood at trca.on.ca; a.kenney at utoronto.ca; Paul.Lawson at ubc.ca; Peter.Duinker at Dal.Ca; MBarwinsky at winnipeg.ca
Cc: jpineau at cif-ifc.org
Subject: CIF - Tree Canada - Urban Forestry - Electronic Lecture Series

Good morning everyone, please find the advertisement attached for our upcoming electronic lecture. This advertisement will appear in the next issue of our professional journal "The Forestry Chronicle" and will be posted to our website shortly...


The lectures will be freely available to interested participants, please feel free to pass this information on to anyone you think might be interested in tuning in.

All the best,


Matt Meade
Forestry Extension Manager

The Canadian Institute of Forestry &
The Forestry Research Partnership
c/o The Canadian Ecology Centre
P.O. Box 430, 6905 Hwy. 17 West
Mattawa, ON
P0H 1V0
Tel: +1 (705) 744 - 1715 ext. 595
Fax: +1 (705) 744 - 1716
Email: mmeade at cif-ifc.org
Web: http://www.cif-ifc.org
Web: http://www.forestresearch.ca/

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