[CANUFNET] Coalition for Urban Ash Tree Conservation's Emerald Ash Borer Management Statement

Charlotte Young charlotte at envision-synergy.net
Thu Mar 24 15:07:51 EDT 2011

Nice. Does anyone know if a mediator/facilitator help round people up for
this effort? If so, how was the service funded? 

Thank you.
Charlotte Young

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Charlotte Young, Ph.D.
Environmental Facilitator/Evaluator
ENVision...synergy -- symbiotic solutions, naturally
Organizational development; Public policy
120 Dewhurst Blvd.
Toronto, ON  M4J 3J6
charlotte at envision-synergy.net
p: 416-778-4713; f: 416-778-1956 

-----Original Message-----
From: canufnet-bounces at list.web.net [mailto:canufnet-bounces at list.web.net]
On Behalf Of John McNeil
Sent: March 21, 2011 11:34 AM
To: 'Canadian Urban Forest Network'; smamemberelist at urban-forestry.com
Cc: ianbruce at brucetree.com; 'Behounek,Josh'; 'LEAF - Janet McKay'; 'David
Nowak'; 'Joanie Straub'; ubbens'; 'Lionel Normand'; Janine Ivings; 'Meaghan
Eastwood'; 'John Cary'; Ryall,Krista (Krista.Ryall at NRCan-RNCan.gc.ca);
'Doug; Judy Biggar'; 'jim mccready'; 'Astrid Nielsen'; 'richard;
opfa at opfa.ca; 'Greg; 'dbloniarz at fs.fed.us'; Domenic Lunardo; Chris Mark;
Sadonoja,Tami (Tami.Sadonoja at hamilton.ca); 'Ken Marchant'; Joe
Meating(jmeating at bioforest.ca); 'andy kenney'; 'Anne Koven'; 'Michelle
Sutton'; taylor.scarr at ontario.ca; Hanou, Ian S(Ian.Hanou at amec.com);
mike.nash at davey.com; 'shelley vescio'; Hill'
Subject: [CANUFNET] Coalition for Urban Ash Tree Conservation’s Emerald Ash
Borer Management Statement



Congratulations to the Continental Dialogue on endorsing the "Coalition for
Urban Ash


Tree Conservation’s Emerald Ash Borer Management Statement."


In my opinion, this is exactly the type of positive new news that needs to
be spread.


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