Ric Jordan rjordan at uoguelph.ca
Fri Jun 17 10:46:59 EDT 2011

I believe Lab Services Division here at the University does this Marc. 


Worth calling and confirming to see if they can do what you want 


"When we destroy nature, we diminish ourselves and impoverish our children." - Robert Kennedy Jr. 

Ric Jordan, Manager 
UofG Arboretum 
519-824-4120 x53587 
519-241-1787 cell 
519-763-9598 fax 

----- Original Message -----
From: "Marc Rivard" <mrr535 at gmail.com> 
To: canufnet at list.web.net 
Sent: Friday, June 17, 2011 10:00:14 AM 
Subject: [CANUFNET] Test Lab 

Helloe out there, 
I was wondering if anyone would be able to recommend a lab that does tissue testing for disease. Thanks very much. 

Marc Rivard P.H.C. 
ISA Certified Arborist PR-4738A 
" Today a tree, tomorrow a forest " 
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