[CANUFNET] Ash tree appraisal - do you discount?

Vince Rutter vince at rutterurbanforestry.ca
Fri Feb 3 16:06:18 EST 2012

I think that you cannot discount the species value because of EAB but you
may need to discount the value of the tree by the cost of preventative
treatments over a reasonable amount of years.  For example a $5,000 ash
tree should perhaps be devalued by the cost of Treeazin treatments over ten
years.  If treatments cost $300/2years, the tree's value may be $3,500.

I devalued a birch tree that I assessed to account for cost of treatment to
address a bronze birch borer infestation.  Very similar.  Although the
report didn't see a court of law it was accepted by the insurance

If there were no treatment options for EAB, it would be a different
situation i think.

Vince Rutter, RPF
ISA Certified Arborist
Rutter Urban Forestry LTD.
Thunder Bay Ontario

On Fri, Feb 3, 2012 at 1:59 PM, Alex Satel <asatel at ufis.ca> wrote:

> Hi all,****
> ** **
> A question for anyone who is involved in preparing/reviewing CTLA-based
> appraisals (e.g., trunk formula method) of ash trees: *How have you
> considered Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) in your valuations of healthy looking
> ash?* ****
> ** **
> It would be interesting to see if there is some consensus about how to
> proceed; should we start discounting the species ratings because ‘all ash
> are doomed’? Or should we still consider each tree on its individual merits
> and outwardly-visible condition, even though it may already be infested and
> not yet showing symptoms? How do we account for the fact that many (if not
> most) ash trees will become liabilities once infested/dead? ****
> ** **
> Personally, I am somewhat hesitant to start discounting still-healthy
> trees because of susceptibility to a pest (after all, many elms have
> survived), but it is generally accepted that we will lose most of our urban
> ash trees, and this may be fair to consider that when assessing value.****
> ** **
> Any thoughts and experiences would be greatly appreciated. ****
> ** **
> Kind regards,****
> ** **
> Alex****
> ** **
> *Alex Satel, MFC
> **ISA Certified Arborist ON-1353A*
> Urban Forest Innovations Inc.****
> 1248 Minnewaska Trail
> Mississauga, ON  L5G 3S5****
> T: (905) 274-1022****
> asatel at ufis.ca****
> www.urbanforestinnovations.com****
> [image: Description: UFI new logo very small]****
> ** **

Vince Rutter, RPF
ISA Certified Arborist
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