[CANUFNET] His Royal Highness Speaks Out on the Importance of Urban Forestry!

John McNeil john.mcneil at oakville.ca
Wed May 21 09:24:36 EDT 2014

I think the Prince rocks….I want him at my next Conference!

His Royal Highness Speaks Out on the Importance of Urban Forestry! The Prince of Whales addresses the importance of trees in urban environments via video conference at the Trees, People and Built Environment II Conference, held at Birmingham University from April 2-3. Listen to HRH here<http://canadianinstituteofforestryinstitutforestierducanada.cmail3.com/t/t-l-ykejjk-jluyhulil-tj/>!

John McNeil, RPF
Manager, Forestry Services
Parks and Open Space
Town of Oakville | 905-845-6601, ext.3395 | f: 905-338-4227 | www.oakville.ca<http://www.oakville.ca/>

Vision: To be the most livable town in Canada
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