[CANUFNET] boulevard planting pit

lilianne poirier liliannepoirier at gmail.com
Tue Jan 12 16:44:30 EST 2016

Wilco Landscaping company would be the one to ask.
They have done St-Albert blv
We are just a small town with nothing on boulevard yet

On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 1:44 PM, Shelley Vescio <SVescio at thunderbay.ca>

> Hi Stephan,
> Are you having issues with plant material dying due to road salt
> overloading? It’s become a bigger issue for us on our arterial streets over
> the last few years, which have been colder than normal.   I’m really
> interested to know if other people have been experiencing something
> similar.
> Shelley
> Shelley Vescio RPF
> City Forester
> City of Thunder Bay Parks Division
> 111 Syndicate Ave. South
> Thunder Bay, ON
> P7E 6S4
> work (807) 625-2473
> fax (807) 625-3258
> www.thunderbay.ca/urbanforestry
> *From:* CANUFNET [mailto:canufnet-bounces at list.web.net] *On Behalf Of *Stephen
> Fudge
> *Sent:* January 11, 2016 4:06 PM
> *To:* Canadian Urban Forest Network
> *Subject:* Re: [CANUFNET] boulevard planting pit
> Hello,
> I would appreciate to be included in any correspondence on this matter as
> well.  We are in process of updating out Engineering Service standards and
> boulevard/median issues in terms of a winter city (salt and snow loading
> area) and plant material is a sensitive topic here right now.
> Thank you
> *Stephen Fudge,* *B.Sc. Forestry, ISA Certified Arborist*
> Superintendent
> Public Works Department
> Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo
> [image: cid:image001.gif at 01CEC9B9.2398C3F0]
> T: 780-799-8120
> F: 780-790-9680
> W: www.woodbuffalo.ab.ca
> *From:* CANUFNET [mailto:canufnet-bounces at list.web.net] *On Behalf Of *Léger,
> Martin
> *Sent:* Thursday, January 07, 2016 12:21 PM
> *To:* canufnet at list.web.net
> *Subject:* [CANUFNET] boulevard planting pit
> Happy new year fellow Arborist,
> We are in the process of planning for a complete remodeling of our main
> Boulevard here in the City of Dorval (Montreal area). Does some of you have
> in there files some exemples, specs or any drawing of different planting
> pit, suspended pavement etc… Of course it would need to be suited for our
> nordic weather (thaw cycles) in the Montreal area. I already have some
> ideas but could  use some inspiration of what’s being done elsewhere.
> Any help could  be useful.
> [image: image001]
> *Martin Léger*
> Superviseur arboriculture-horticulture / Arboriculture-Horticulture
> Supervisor
> Service des travaux publics – Public Works Department
> Arboriculteur Certifié  ISA # QU-0110A
> ISA Certified Arborist  #QU-0110A
> 550, boulevard Bouchard, Dorval (Québec) H9S 1B2
> Tél : 514 633-4061  Fax : 514 633-4124
> mleger at ville.dorval.qc.ca
> www.ville.dorval.qc.ca
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