[CANUFNET] Webinar: Building urban forestry partnerships

Cheryl Huxted Cheryl.Huxted at waterloo.ca
Mon Mar 21 09:51:19 EDT 2016

From: CANUFNET [mailto:canufnet-bounces at list.web.net] On Behalf Of Hadley Stein
Sent: Friday, March 18, 2016 9:59 AM
To: canufnet at list.web.net<mailto:canufnet at list.web.net>
Subject: [CANUFNET] Webinar: Building urban forestry partnerships

How can we build strong public-private partnerships to further urban forestry initiatives?
We hope you will join us for a webinar Tuesday, March 22nd at 3pm EDT to discuss the importance of strong cross-sector partnerships in urban forestry. The OpenTreeMap<http://t.sidekickopen04.com/e1t/c/5/f18dQhb0S7lC8dDMPbW2n0x6l2B9nMJW7t5XZs8rBCL4W2Bg_RP4WrVjFW4WYmcW56dJc3dtxvYx02?t=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.opentreemap.org%2F&si=5771829341061120&pi=f85c1625-30e1-4068-ad75-c322b1a0c17f> team will be joined by Dean Hay, Director of Greening Infrastructure, and John Kost, Citizen Forester Coordinator at The Greening of Detroit<http://t.sidekickopen04.com/e1t/c/5/f18dQhb0S7lC8dDMPbW2n0x6l2B9nMJW7t5XZs8rBCL4W2Bg_RP4WrVjFW4WYmcW56dJc3dtxvYx02?t=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.greeningofdetroit.com%2F&si=5771829341061120&pi=f85c1625-30e1-4068-ad75-c322b1a0c17f>.

With many local governments facing budget cuts, strong non-profit partnerships are more important than ever before. Too often these partnerships never come to fruition. Five years ago, The Greening of Detroit, a nonprofit organization, formalized a partnership with the City of Detroit to plant and maintain trees in the public right of way. Since then, the Greening has worked with volunteers to plant and maintain tens of thousands of trees with a focus on areas most affected by removal. The Greening's planting projects add significant economic value to the City by reducing stormwater runoff, cleaning toxic social and improving air quality and real estate values.

For more information and to register:


Hadley Stein

Sign up here<http://t.sidekickopen04.com/e1t/c/5/f18dQhb0S7lC8dDMPbW2n0x6l2B9nMJW7t5XZs8rBCL4W2Bg_RP4WrVjFW4WYmcW56dJc3dtxvYx02?t=http%3A%2F%2Fopentreemap.us1.list-manage.com%2Fsubscribe%3Fu%3D61da999c9897859f1c1fff262%26id%3D5cabc3824b&si=5771829341061120&pi=bb67a614-bd01-406c-8042-6ad69f5805a5> to receive the latest news about OpenTreeMap, paper free!

Hadley Stein, OpenTreeMap
Azavea |  990 Spring Garden Street, 5th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19123
hstein at azavea.com<mailto:hstein at azavea.com> | O 215.701.7505 | C 267.507.4723
Web opentreemap.org<http://opentreemap.org> | Blog blog.opentreemap.org<http://blog.opentreemap.org> | Twitter @opentreemap<http://t.sidekickopen04.com/e1t/c/5/f18dQhb0S7lC8dDMPbW2n0x6l2B9nMJW7t5XZs8rBCL4W2Bg_RP4WrVjFW4WYmcW56dJc3dtxvYx02?t=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fopentreemap&si=5771829341061120&pi=bb67a614-bd01-406c-8042-6ad69f5805a5>


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