[CANUFNET] tree protection

Courtemanche, Jill via CANUFNET canufnet at list.web.net
Mon Jan 16 15:37:31 EST 2017

Michelle you are right to be concerned; in Ottawa we have similar bylaws prohibiting the removal of mature trees for development, but there are many instances of “oops, sorry”. I live in the downtown core and five years ago sewers were replaced on my street. Now, what was a perfectly healthy 83 year old maple on the City part of my lawn has been declared unsalvageable, I surmise because of damage to the roots. We are losing mature trees in the core either from similar causes, or storms which bring down trees weakened by salt, pollution, or drought. My concern now is that the trees being planted to replace mature ones don’t seem able to survive. Does anyone on the list have encouraging results from new trees planted in reconstructed streets, where the ground cover is asphalt/brick/cement?

Jill Courtemanche R.N./I.A. BSc.NEd
Emergency Preparedness Health Specialist/
Spécialiste des mesures d'urgence pour la santé
Ottawa Public Health / Santé publique Ottawa
100 promenade Constellation Drive 7 West / Ouest
Mail code / code de courrier : 26-50
Ottawa K2G 6J8
613-580-2424 x23568 613-552-0410 c.
Fax / téléc. : 613-580-9601
ottawapublichealth.ca /santepubliqueottawa.ca

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From: CANUFNET [mailto:canufnet-bounces at list.web.net] On Behalf Of Chartier, Michelle (CY - Parks) via CANUFNET
Sent: Monday, January 16, 2017 2:48 PM
To: 'canufnet at list.web.net'
Subject: [CANUFNET] tree protection

Hi all,

I’m trying to track down samples of city policies or bylaws related to tree protection that effectively balance the protection of established trees and new in-fill building. Saskatoon is currently seeing several large building projects and homes being built in established neighbourhoods where the work site is surrounded by large valuable City trees. We currently have a City Council policy in place that provide Urban Forestry with direction related to tree protection. As part of this policy we do not remove large (>15cm” diameter) healthy trees for development. However we are finding ourselves in a difficult position of attempting to work with construction companies hired to build what does not reasonably allow for preservation or protection of the existing tree(s). In some cases the building footprint requires excavation that will result in ~40%-50% root removal. Often the damage is done on the private property side when our City trees are close to property lines or in some cases straddle property lines (funny how tree roots just don’t respect property lines).

I know there are several cities that have tree protection bylaws and some also protect private trees. I’m wondering if anyone knows of a really good example that might include standards that include what can and can’t be done on private property adjacent to City trees. I’d also like to know if anyone can share their experience or views (what has worked and what hasn’t worked) with existing Bylaw or policies.


Michelle Chartier
City of Saskatoon
Community Services, Parks Division
Superintendent - Urban Forestry/Pest Management
Ph: 306.975-2537  Fax: 306.975.3034
michelle.chartier at saskatoon.ca<mailto:michelle.chartier at saskatoon.ca>

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