[CANUFNET] Urban Forestry e-lecture series: "Resiliency: Case Studies and Tools for Urban Forest Management" - November 2017 - time change

Adrina Bardekjian via CANUFNET canufnet at list.web.net
Thu Nov 2 09:40:46 EDT 2017

Dear CUFN members,

Please note there is a time change to the e-lecture taking place on November 30th.

The Canadian Institute of Forestry/Institut forestier du Canada invites you to participate in a webinar series coordinated by Tree Canada entitled, "Urban Forestry E-Lecture Series - Resiliency: Case Studies and Tools for Urban Forest Management".

This series of e-lectures will be held on the following Thursdays: November 16, 23 and 30, 2017.

Lectures on November 16 and 23 will be held from 1:30pm - 2:30pm Eastern Time / 10:30am - 11:30am Pacific Time, and our lecture on November 30 will be held from 1:00pm - 2:00pm Eastern Time / 10:00am - 11:00am Pacific Time.

For more information and a description of the webinar, please see the attached poster.

To participate in the webinar, you will need access to the Internet and a phone line. If you won't have access to the Internet, let us know and we can provide you with the presentation file.

The webinar will be delivered through the Adobe(r)Connect(tm) web conferencing software. Please see the attached participant instructions for more details.


How to Join

10 minutes prior to the e-lecture start time:

Option 1:

Web-only login: connecting through the Internet (recommended)

  *   Go to URL http://cif-ifc.adobeconnect.com/electures/<http://ieabioenergy.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=f902b070150dd13840a31e93e&id=ff4940797e&e=057928e474>
  *   >Select "Enter as a GUEST", type your full name and then click "Enter Room"
  *   Ensure to click the "listen in" button that appears to the bottom right of the message box
  *   This option works best with a stable Internet connection
  *   Ensure that your computer speakers and sound are enabled to tune-in to the e-lecture
  *   The discussion and Q & A session will be held at the end of the lecture, please direct any questions or comments using the chat pod on the screen. The moderator will bring up your questions to the presenters

Option 2:

Phone + web login: (preferred option if you have a poor Internet connection)

  *   Dial: 1-855-234-6506
  *   Enter access code 3464858#

  *   Continue to follow Web-only login steps above


Enjoy the lecture!

For additional information, please contact:

E-mail: electures at cif-ifc.org

Phone: +1-705-744-1715 x 630

Adrina C. Bardekjian, MFC, PhD
Manager, Urban Forestry Programs and Research Development
Gestionnaire des Programmes forestiers urbains et du d?veloppement de la recherche

Tree Canada | Arbres Canada
abardekjian at treecanada.ca / abardekjian at arbrescanada.ca
treecanada.ca<http://treecanada.ca/> / arbrescanada.ca<http://arbrescanada.ca/>

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