[CANUFNET] Quantifying the Health Benefits to Canadians of our Urban Forest
Naomi Zurcher via CANUFNET
canufnet at list.web.net
Fri Mar 2 04:41:26 EST 2018
Dear Rena:
Many thanks for sharing the excellent infographic.
Kind regards
Naomi Zürcher
> On Mar 1, 2018, at 11:42 AM, Rena Viehbeck via CANUFNET <canufnet at list.web.net> wrote:
> Hi there ,
> The report that looked at that was undertaken in the early 2000s and it was a look at the costs of coal fired power plants in Ontario on hospital costs. Its an amazing report that I think made a huge difference in the momentum to phase out coal. Here is the link to the report that looks at studies that have been done to calculate those externalities. https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.cleanairpartnership.org_wp-2Dcontent_uploads_2016_06_Why-2DAccount-2Dfor-2Dthe-2DFull-2DCosts-2Dof-2DEnergy2.pdf&d=DwIGaQ&c=Zvyrv5aDnDI5PwnuoC2GysM2PcSVh6sG939hSAtrRT4&r=pj5zCZoImV_XKTPkQJMcpCshoAq_nIj8V9x-t3u-FaE&m=yp96W2FT_Iv4j9stsJtyBhjVCwx_jOaT_Llhw1m6Crs&s=dwEak8K5l50iVe_F2TO5nNZ1Qxp46zzichgc9efQAmg&e=
> There is also an info graphic from that report that you may find interesting: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.cleanairpartnership.org_wp-2Dcontent_uploads_2017_03_Cost-5Fof-5FEnergy-5FDisplay-5FInfoGraph-5FFinal.pdf&d=DwIGaQ&c=Zvyrv5aDnDI5PwnuoC2GysM2PcSVh6sG939hSAtrRT4&r=pj5zCZoImV_XKTPkQJMcpCshoAq_nIj8V9x-t3u-FaE&m=yp96W2FT_Iv4j9stsJtyBhjVCwx_jOaT_Llhw1m6Crs&s=uRwgx2i2ZaEHZXJhm5XOq-gTn4iKAk-AZFqXwxHsDkA&e=
> But here is the summary of the findings from that study. Thanks for the Urban Forestry report looking at this topic I look forward to reading that! Thanks, gaby
> While the CMA study above looked at the national health and economic
> impacts of air pollution, a more sectorally and geographically focused
> study by DSS Management Consultants Inc. and RWDI Air Inc. (2005),
> examined the total cost of electricity generation over four scenarios in
> Ontario. It found that the financial costs of Scenario 1 (status quo on coal
> fired electricity) represented a levelized cost1 of 3.7 ¢/kWh. However,
> this cost did not include external costs associated with health and
> environmental damages. When these costs were added in, the total cost
> of coal-fired generation rose to 16 ¢/kWh. In total, health and
> environmental costs accounted for 77% of the total cost of generation.
> The report found that pollution from coal-powered electricity generators
> caused damages of $3 billon/year, with 668 premature deaths, 928
> hospital admissions, 1,100 emergency room visits and 333,600 minor
> illnesses. The cost of greenhouse gas control and carbon sequestration
> caused by these coal-powered plants was estimated at $371 million
> annually. The inclusion of external environmental and health care costs
> in the financial production cost benefit analysis helped make the
> business case for the phase out of coal-fired electricity in Ontario and
> provides a worthy example of the importance of accounting for
> externalities.
> Gabriella Kalapos
> Clean Air Partnership
> 75 Elizabeth Street
> Toronto, Ontario
> M5G 1P4
> phone: 416-338-1288
> e-mail: gkalapos at cleanairpartnership.org
> www.cleanairpartnership.org
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rena Viehbeck [mailto:RViehbeck at thunderbay.ca]
> Sent: Thursday, March 1, 2018 10:52 AM
> To: Gaby Kalapos <gkalapos at cleanairpartnership.org>
> Subject: FW: [CANUFNET] Quantifying the Health Benefits to Canadians of our Urban Forest
> Good morning Gaby,
> I still am signed up for this e-newsletter relating to Canadian Urban Forestry issues, as that is where I had worked for the past 8 years. I saw this question come up and thought I might forward it to you to see if your organization had this information.
> Much thanks
> Rena Viehbeck
> Sustainability Coordinator (acting)
> EarthCare, City of Thunder Bay
> VictoriaVille Civic Center- 2nd Floor, 111 Syndicate Ave S.
> PO Box 800, Thunder Bay, ON P7C 5K4
> T: 807 625 2411 F: 807 625 3588 E: rviehbeck at thunderbay.ca
> climatereadycity.com , earthcarethunderbay.ca
> facebook.com/earthcaretbay
> -----Original Message-----
> From: CANUFNET [mailto:canufnet-bounces at list.web.net] On Behalf Of Alice Casselman via CANUFNET
> Sent: March-01-18 10:35 AM
> To: Ethier Elaine; Canadian Urban Forest Network
> Subject: Re: [CANUFNET] Quantifying the Health Benefits to Canadians of our Urban Forest
> GREAT to get this link - thanks
> Am looking for value/ rate of the savings made when Ontario stopped coal fired generation of electricity on hospital respiratory admissions
> Alce
>> On Feb 28, 2018, at 11:01 AM, Ethier Elaine via CANUFNET <canufnet at list.web.net> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> The issue is of major impact in low income dense populated areas.
>> Envoyé de mon iPhone
>> Le 28 févr. 2018 à 10:23, John McNeil via CANUFNET <canufnet at list.web.net<mailto:canufnet at list.web.net>> a écrit :
>> Greetings:
>> I am passing along a paper by Dr. David Nowak et al.
>> First time I’ve read statistics about the health impacts to Canadians on the avoidance of human mortality/incidences of acute respiratory symptoms due to trees.
>> "Though future research and modeling are needed to help overcome current limitations, these estimates provide the best available and most comprehensive estimates of pollution removal effects by city trees on human health in Canada.”
>> I spoke with Dr. Nowak and he gave me this link to share: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.fs.usda.gov_treesearch_pubs_55473&d=DwIFaQ&c=Zvyrv5aDnDI5PwnuoC2GysM2PcSVh6sG939hSAtrRT4&r=pj5zCZoImV_XKTPkQJMcpCshoAq_nIj8V9x-t3u-FaE&m=hTmEYXZ1AWAM4pjnZwTyyMlPTvUuFQojgGAxfxnWPOw&s=v59eaTWJMAF64nLjyrA7I2CnLm7VFpvFho_weKyG3bI&e=
>> Sincerely,
>> John
>> <3229C889-092C-4BFA-8D1D-4CEBF54D5B88[2].png>
>> <3229C889-092C-4BFA-8D1D-4CEBF54D5B88[2].png>
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