[CANUFNET] National Forest Week events linked to Ottawa's municipal election campaign

Debra Huron via CANUFNET canufnet at list.web.net
Fri Sep 21 09:45:17 EDT 2018

Dear forestry friends,

As a citizen activist on this list serve, I wish to to tell you about
activities that aim to put tree protection in the urban environment on
the agenda during Ottawa's municipal election campaign.
Many of you are aware that National Forest Week [1]begins Sept. 23 and
runs until Sept. 29 this year.  In the middle of next week, Tree Canada
supports and promotes National Tree Day. This year, it's being
celebrated on Weds. Sept. 26.  Have you read this touching story about
the man who championed National Tree Day [2]in Canada?
Across Ontario, municipalities are holding elections this fall. Since
the spring of this year, a coalition of environmental activist groups in
Ottawa has come together to discuss
* our input into amendments to the city's Urban Tree Conservation By-law
  (2009), a process which city staff have launched as part of the
  municipality's Urban Forest Management Plan [3] (passed June 2017)* ways to increase visibility on the links between green infrastructure
  (which is negligible compared to the city's support for grey
  infrastructure) and climate change mitigation at the municipal level* a need for citizens voices to be heard by election candidates so as to
  engender a greater commitment to tree protection in the urban
  environment during the next term of council* a desire to link health and well-being of humans and other sentient
  beings (urban wildlife) to the treescape, by raising concerns about
  threats to the urban canopy.
I am pleased to say that months of work are coming together and will be
rolled out across the city starting Sunday, Sept 23--the first day of
National Forest Week. Learn more about the initiative [4]at Ecology
Ottawa's website. The groups involved in planning and supporting the
initiative are:
 * BIG TREES of Kitchissippi[5]
 * TreeFest Ottawa [6]
 * Greenspace Alliance of Canada's Capital [7]
 * Tree Action Now[8]
 * Ecology Ottawa[9]
 * the Champlain Oaks Project[10]
 * Community Associations for Environmental Sustainability (no website)
In a lovely case of synchronicity, those of us involved in the coalition
learned this summer about a website crated by a local photographer.
Called Lost Trees in Ottawa[11] it has much in common with the online
map that aims to chronicle Lost Trees [12]within our city.
As the deciduous trees (and tamaracks) get ready to show us their fall
colours, I wish all of you a sublime experience of fall equinox
tomorrow and enjoyment of nature's bounty in the months to come.
Debra Huron


   1. https://www.cif-ifc.org/national-forest-week/
   2. https://treecanada.ca/blog/september-26-2018-celebrate-national-tree-day-and-royals-legacy/
   3. https://ottawa.ca/en/residents/water-and-environment/trees-and-community-forests/ottawas-urban-forest-management-plan
   4. https://ecologyottawa.ca/2018/08/24/this-national-forest-week-make-trees-an-election-issue/
   5. https://bigtreeskitch.wixsite.com/trees
   6. http://treefestottawa.org/
   7. http://greenspace-alliance.ca/
   8. https://www.treeactionnow.net/
   9. https://ecologyottawa.ca/
  10. http://www.champlainoaks.com/
  11. https://losttrees.ca/
  12. https://www.treeactionnow.net/lost-trees
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