[CANUFNET] Seeking help to find a root barrier material

Michael Richardson mrtree at kos.net
Wed Apr 17 15:44:12 EDT 2019

Attached is one possibility


I believe they need to line the entire pit, not just a barrier along the

I suggest chemical treatment of the plants prior to removal of the soil. 
I have successfully used Roundup Transorb and Clearview with Gateway.

Japanese Knotweed is an incredibly tough plant and is almost impossible to
control without chemicals.


> From Iola Price, CANUFNET subscriber and President of the Ontario Invasive
> Plant Council
> An engineering group has reached out to the Ontario Invasive Plant Council
> and
> is inquiring about Japanese knotweed management. They would like to bury a
> large volume of material in a pit lined with a root barrier material, but
> are having difficulty finding said root barrier material.
> If anyone is aware of any materials that have been used by other agencies,
> or any projects or coordinators that could be reached out to, your
> assistan
> ce would be appreciated!
> Please respond to gabby at oninvasives.ca
> Thanks in advance!  Iola and Gabby
>  *Gabby Nichols, *BBRM, MES
> Project Liaison
> 705-741-5400 ext 202
> 380 Armour Road, Unit 210.  Peterborough, ON  K9H 7L7
> [image: NEWOIPClogofinal]
> www.OntarioInvasivePlants.ca
> <https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ontarioinvasiveplants.ca%2F&data=02%7C01%7C%7C29e5f53ef23c48784d1608d6c2a8a8ac%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C636910426966291465&sdata=0U88JJBTS%2FOQRsYyCwSOIFNmReayD6WEhtWEVKQ83fo%3D&reserved=0>
> *Empowering Ontarians to take action on Invasive Plants!*

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