[CANUFNET] Tree City of the World Programme

owen croy urbanforestryguy at gmail.com
Thu Sep 12 13:07:52 EDT 2019

The Tree Cities of the World programme is an international effort to
recognize cities and towns committed to ensuring that their urban forests
and trees are properly maintained, sustainably managed, and duly
celebrated.  The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
has partnered with the Arbor Day Foundation to roll out this new programme,
with assistance from the Society of Municipal Arborists and others.

The Tree Cities of the World programme will help to connect cities around
the world in a new network dedicated to sharing and adopting the most
successful approaches to managing community trees and forests.

In this time of climate change, trees will remain at the front line of
defense in keeping or making our cities more liveable.  This program should
appeal to city leaders and elected officials who want to see their city
known for its urban forestry programme's contribution to international
efforts to combat climate change.

To be recognized as a Tree City, a community must meet five core standards
<https://treecitiesoftheworld.org/standards.cfm> that illustrate a
commitment to caring for its trees and forest. I urge all urban foresters
to review the information on the Arbor Day web-site; start your application
today <https://applications.arborday.org/community/treecitiesoftheworld/> and
begin your journey to becoming a Tree City of the World.

Owen Croy, Society of Municipal Arborists, urbanforestryguy at gmail.com


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