[CANUFNET] SFI Webinar on Urban-Forest Certification

Peter Duinker Peter.Duinker at Dal.Ca
Mon Jun 8 09:06:15 EDT 2020

Urban-Forest Colleagues:

Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) Inc., an organization specializing in third-party forest certification, is considering whether there is merit in developing a certification standard for urban forests. SFI has established a Task Group for this consideration. Kathryn Fernholz of Dovetail Partners and I are co-chairing the Task Group.

As part of SFI's series of webinars associated with revisions to its main forest-management standard, there will be a webinar about certification for urban forests on 09 June at 13:00 Eastern Time Zone (https://www.sfiprogram.org/standard-revision-process-workshops/, and https://forests.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_1kqrcjixRY6zRvuihok3Rw). I encourage you to sign up and find out what's going on.

Cheers, Peter Duinker
Professor Emeritus, Dalhousie University
peter.duinker at dal.ca<mailto:peter.duinker at dal.ca>

Peter N. Duinker, PhD, P.Ag.

Professor Emeritus, School for Resource and Environmental Studies
Faculty of Management, Dalhousie University
6100 University Ave., Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3H 4R2
Email: peter.duinker at dal.ca<mailto:peter.duinker at dal.ca>

President, Sylveritas Ltd.
Email: pnduinker at gmail.com<mailto:pnduinker at gmail.com>
Phone: 902-229-5141

To learn about street trees in Halifax: https://www.halifaxtreeproject.com/street-tree-blog

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