[CANUFNET] Urban Forest Credential Survey is Now Open

Naomi Zurcher treerap at sprintmail.com
Sat Oct 10 04:05:32 EDT 2020

Hi Susan:

Is this restricted to professionals working within Canada or is it open to all UF professionals?

Many thanks, in advance

> On Oct 9, 2020, at 4:40 PM, Day, Susan via CANUFNET <canufnet at list.web.net> wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> I would like to ask for your assistance in distributing a survey on urban forest credentialing. Paul Ries at Oregon State University and I have developed a survey <https://oregonstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4Jy3TK7Gqf8RrFz> to follow up on some of the issues and questions raised in the Urban Forestry 2020 project that I completed when I was at Virginia Tech. We are hoping to get good responses from all the provinces and hope you can complete this—and, more importantly, share it with your professional networks, local urban forestry groups, etc. It’s quite short—took me about 8 minutes. Please share widely and thank you… See note below:
> Dear Urban Forestry Professional,
> You are invited to take part in the research study “Do Urban Foresters Need Their Own Professional Credential?”, being undertaken by Oregon State University and the University of British Columbia. The purpose of this research is to understand how people working in the urban forestry field view the issue of credentialing, and if there is a perceived need for a specific Urban Forester Credential in some form.
> This study (IRB-2020-0726) is open to anyone who self identifies as an urban forestry professional. The principal investigators and research contacts for this study are Dr. Paul D. Ries (paul.ries at oregonstate.edu <mailto:paul.ries at oregonstate.edu>) of Oregon State University and Dr. Susan D. Day (susan.day at ubc.ca <mailto:susan.day at ubc.ca>) of the University of British Columbia.
> Take the survey today at this link:
> https://oregonstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4Jy3TK7Gqf8RrFz <https://oregonstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4Jy3TK7Gqf8RrFz>
> Please feel free to forward this announcement on to others in your professional network.
> Dr. Susan D. Day
> University of British Columbia
> Dr. Paul D. Ries
> Oregon State University
> _____________________________________________________________________________
> Susan D. Day, Ph.D., SITES AP
> Professor and Program Director, Urban Forestry
> Faculty of Forestry | Department of Forest Resources Management
> The University of British Columbia | Vancouver Campus
> Working From Home | COVID-19
> Contact | susan.day at ubc.ca <mailto:susan.day at ubc.ca> 
> Info | forestry.ubc.ca <https://forestry.ubc.ca/>

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