[CANUFNET] Tree Catalogues

Zoë Rabinovitch zoe.rabinovitch at mail.mcgill.ca
Wed Apr 14 10:20:40 EDT 2021


I am a biology undergraduate student at McGill University, and I am working on a research project about the least costly ways to make cities green. The research is being conducted with a company called Eco2urb and I will add a link below if you are interested in checking it out. Currently we have access to three product catalogues of tree prices for the following three nurseries: Dutchmaster, Environs, Cramer. I've been trying to access large catalogues so that we can average out the prices to reflect realistic pricing. I've been contacting different nurseries, but I am hoping that someone here may have access to catalogues and can share them with me. If you do, please feel free to email me.


Thank you and I hope you have a great day!



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