[CANUFNET] Chippers for EAB Management

Vince Rutter vince at rutterurbanforestry.ca
Fri Apr 30 10:49:18 EDT 2021

Good morning, I am not aware of any small chippers (less than 20" diameter
capacity) produced in North America that will assuredly produce wood chips
<1" in size.  Common chippers with sharp knives will produce consistently
chips of that size but they have no internal screening that will eliminate
occasional oversized pieces.  When knives get even just a bit dull, chip
quality goes down even more.

We have some biomass heating projects using wood chips for fuel and we
import Italian made wood chippers that will consistently produce the right
specification of chip because they have an internal screening process.
https://www.pezzolato.it/en/  We cannot achieve the wood chip size
consistently with our brush bandit or vermeer chippers.  This video may be
helpful to illustrate the problem:


On PEI, there is one Pezzolato wood chipper in operation creating heating
fuel, it's operated by (I think) http://wood4heating.com.

I think that it will be up to your local CFIA inspector to approve your
chipping and handling process, they may be okay with a conventional wood


On Thu, Apr 29, 2021 at 2:52 PM Hungerford, Mark via CANUFNET <
canufnet at list.web.net> wrote:

> Hi. Mark from city of Winnipeg urban  forestry.  We use Vermeer brand
> chippers  for chipping ash.  Bc 1500 bc1800. Models.
> They work fantastic.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Apr 29, 2021, at 1:37 PM, Corkum-Gorrill, Jessika via CANUFNET <
> canufnet at list.web.net> wrote:
> Hello,
> Can anyone share the make/model of chippers or other equipment they’ve
> used to chip ash to <1” diameter chips for EAB spread prevention?
> Thank-you!
> Jessika
> Jessika Corkum-Gorrill
> Forest and Environmental Officer
> City of Charlottetown
> PO Box 98, 199 Queen Street
> Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
> C1A 7K2
> 902-629-4122
> jcorkumgorrill at charlottetown.ca<mailto:jcorkumgorrill at charlottetown.ca>
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Vince Rutter
ISA Certified Arborist
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