[CANUFNET] Private tree planting strategy

Robert Liveanu foret at af2r.org
Wed Jul 21 15:48:24 EDT 2021

Hi all,

I was wondering if there were many municipalities out there that had
specific strategies or action plans that relate to *tree planting on
private and institutional land*, which can often be 50% or much more of a
city's total area, and therefore is a critical piece of the puzzle in
achieving canopy and other broader urban forest objectives.

I'm referring to something along the lines of Montreal and Soverdi's Alliance
forêt urbaine <https://soverdi.org/approche/alliance#alliance> (plan here
or Toronto's grants and incentives program
These are not necessarily one program that's being offered by a single
organization (eg. LEAF Toronto's backyard tree planting program, or
CVC's Greening
Corporate Grounds
program), but is rather larger-scale, municipality-wide that mobilizes all
stakeholders involved to consolidate and increase private tree planting
efforts, all under one broader initiative.

Many UFMPs mention increasing/promoting private tree plantings, but I
haven't been able to find too much about specific programs, projects,
strategies, or action plans that were undertaken or are in progress.

Anyone who is willing to share is encouraged to message me directly, I
would love to have a discussion about your experiences and insights.

Thank you kindly,


Robert Liveanu*,* *MFC, B.Sc., Arboriculteur certifié de l'ISA*

Chargé de projets en verdissement et éducation

*Association forestière des deux rives (AF2R)*

870, avenue de Salaberry, local 103, Québec (Québec)  G1R 2T9

*T* 418 522-0006 poste 3022

foret at af2r.org | www.af2r.org

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