[CANUFNET] Job posting Town of Oakville Forestry Services Section

Jalil Hashemi jalil.hashemi at oakville.ca
Wed Sep 15 10:33:08 EDT 2021

Hi there,

Please see attached the job posting for Supervisor of Woodlands and Parks Tree Operations. This Supervisor will lead a team of internal arborists and multiple contractors in maintaining a safe an sustainable urban forest within about 2,000 hectares of woodlands and over 50,000 trees in our parks.

The link to apply for the position is also provided here. Career Center (taleo.net)<https://tre.tbe.taleo.net/tre01/ats/careers/v2/viewRequisition?org=TOWNOFOA&cws=43&rid=2372>

Closing date for applications is October 01, 2021



Jalil Hashemi, RPF
Manager - Forestry Services
Parks & Open Space
Town of Oakville | 905-845-6601, ext.3848 | f: 905-338-4227 | www.oakville.ca<http://www.oakville.ca/>

Vision: To be the most livable town in Canada
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