[CANUFNET] 2021 Ontario Urban Forest Summit: Essential Nature: The Urban Forest in a Post-Covid World

Marie-Paule Godin mpgodin at treecanada.ca
Mon Nov 8 10:29:18 EST 2021


We are happy to announce our 2021 Ontario Urban Forest Summit: Essential Nature: The Urban Forest in a Post-Covid World is going virtual and registration is now open<https://oufc.us16.list-manage.com/track/click?u=208cf168cb991a0e5674fd3df&id=6623588486&e=bf88049f86>.

The OUFC is pleased to announce the following speaker lineup for our upcoming summit. The speaker lineup this year is impressive with experts speaking from diverse areas that mirror our members. We can confirm that ISA credits can be earned through participation. To make the online experience fun, we have activities to delight!

Our expert speakers are:

Kerry McLaven, CEO, Forest Gene Conservation Association

Peter Duinker, Professor Emeritus, School for Resource and Environmental Studies, Dalhousie University

Lorien Nesbitt, Assistant Professor, Department of Forest Resources Management, University of British Columbia

Sheila Boudreau, Founder, Landscape Architect, and Urban Planner, SpruceLab

Andrew Liebhold, Research Entomologist, US Forest Service Northern Research Station, USDA Forest Service

We encourage you to consider joining as a member in order to receive discounted access to all of the opportunities year-round including webinars, mentorship program, and direct support related to urban forests. For more information and to download our agenda please click here<https://www.oufc.org/upcoming-events/oufc-conference-2021/>.

Thank you to our sponsors York Region<https://oufc.us16.list-manage.com/track/click?u=208cf168cb991a0e5674fd3df&id=98616503d0&e=bf88049f86>, AL Miley & Associates<https://oufc.us16.list-manage.com/track/click?u=208cf168cb991a0e5674fd3df&id=058e15cb9d&e=bf88049f86>, Bioforest<https://oufc.us16.list-manage.com/track/click?u=208cf168cb991a0e5674fd3df&id=621cca01bf&e=bf88049f86>, Daniel's Forestry at the University of Toronto<https://oufc.us16.list-manage.com/track/click?u=208cf168cb991a0e5674fd3df&id=7a26b4be39&e=bf88049f86>, Urban Forest Innovations<https://oufc.us16.list-manage.com/track/click?u=208cf168cb991a0e5674fd3df&id=b5f5576ae1&e=bf88049f86>, and ACER<https://oufc.us16.list-manage.com/track/click?u=208cf168cb991a0e5674fd3df&id=5df931acb1&e=bf88049f86> for making this event possible.

We look forward to seeing you there!

REGISTER NOW<https://oufc.us16.list-manage.com/track/click?u=208cf168cb991a0e5674fd3df&id=97a23c0898&e=bf88049f86>


Janani Sivarajah
On behalf of The Ontario Urban Forest Council

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