[CANUFNET] Authority for community-level enforcement on private property to control catastrophic pest or disease outbreaks

ebuffie at mymts.net ebuffie at mymts.net
Mon Mar 7 10:35:20 EST 2022

Winnipeg tests and culls DED trees on private land. https://winnipeg.ca/publicworks/parksopenspace/urbanforestry/DED.stm <https://winnipeg.ca/publicworks/parksopenspace/urbanforestry/DED.stm>

Dutch Elm Disease Control
The City of Winnipeg, Dutch Elm Disease (D.E.D.) Control Program attempts to ensure the well being, longevity and enhancement of the urban elm forest within the City of Winnipeg through the delivery of effective disease control and tree maintenance services on both public and private lands.

In the delivery of this public service, the program is committed to adopt, develop or maintain and/or improve existing strategies to:

Identify all elm trees and stored elm wood locations that require further attention.
Maintain a current tree inventory.
Remove all problem trees within accepted service standards.
Implement ongoing preventative procedures in elm tree maintenance and insect vector control.
Provide proactive tree replacement programs.
Research/develop new and existing strategies through various research institutions.
Provide information service through multimedia and on an individual basis.
Maintain/develop partnerships to enhance D.E.D. programs/procedures.
In addition to the above general program services, City of Winnipeg residents can request specific and detailed Dutch Elm Disease information from 311 <https://winnipeg.ca/interhom/contact/>

> On Mar 6, 2022, at 12:39 PM, Jeremy Gye via CANUFNET <canufnet at list.web.net> wrote:
> Outbreaks of such serious threats as Dutch Elm Disease and Mountain Pine Beetle have affected many parts of our country and other threats of this type can be expected in the future.  I would like to know what members experience in managing these outbreaks has been with respect to intervening with residents on private property to address these threats.  Is there a legal basis or precedence for doing this as a regulatory or enforcement measure or are their limits or constraints on this type of intervention? Have other strategies (e.g. outreach and education) proved more effective?
> Many thanks,
> Jeremy Gye
> Senior Consultant
> <image001.jpg>
> C:     (250) 883-4533
> E:     jgye at gyeandassociates.ca <mailto:jgye at gyeandassociates.ca>
> www.gyeandassociates.ca <http://www.gyeandassociates.ca/>
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