[CANUFNET] CEU Opportunity: 6/30 @ Noon (Eastern) UFT 'Summer Tree Summit

Richard Harper rharper at eco.umass.edu
Thu Jun 16 18:33:22 EDT 2022

UFT Summer Tree Summit: The Protection & Management of Mature Urban Trees

Urban Forestry Today’s ‘Summer Tree Summit’ returns Thurs June 30 2022, Noon-2PM (Eastern) with Dr. Kevin Smith, USDA Forest Service, who will discuss the “Protection & Management of Mature Urban Trees”.

Join Kevin Smith, PhD, as he outlines how trees grow and mature with the potential to increase environmental benefits, and real-world strategies to protect and manage larger, mature trees in the urban landscape.

To register and receive 2.0 ISA/1.0 MCA CEUs, click here<http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07ej4sv1yl63fec2c7&llr=iwcbgpcab> or visit www.tinyurl.com/uftsummit<http://www.tinyurl.com/uftsummit>. The fee to attend this 2-hr broadcast will be $15 USD, and will support the New England Chapter of ISA. Questions? Heather at NewEnglandISA.org<mailto:Heather at NewEnglandISA.org>

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