[CANUFNET] Student Research

Nicola Radatus-Smith nicola.radatussmith at mail.utoronto.ca
Sun Apr 30 17:07:31 EDT 2023


This is a final reminder to please fill out the research survey, it will remain open for another two weeks.

There have been lots of responses, so thank you for all of you that have participated so far.

As a reminder, my name is Nicola Radatus-Smith and I am a master's student at the University of Toronto studying Sustainability Management.

For my research paper, I am researching the treatment of soil health – including soil fungi – within urban forest management. I am reaching out to request input, via a short survey, from Urban foresters that have had experience working in cities across Canada.

I had previously sent out this survey in January, however, I am extending my research and looking for additional responses to strengthen my data.

I would appreciate your input by completing a short survey, accessible by the link below.

I will be sharing the results of my study once completed to those who provide their email addresses.


Thank you,

Nicola Radatus-Smith

Master of Science in Sustainability Management, Class of 2023

University of Toronto Mississauga

3359 Mississauga Rd, Mississauga, ON L5L 1C6

p: (519) 995-1913 | e: nicola.radatussmith at mail.utoronto.ca

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