[CANUFNET] Stachybotrys mould

Michael Richardson mrtree at kos.net
Mon Jun 26 20:54:58 EDT 2023

Better photos would help but I am guessing it is a Frullania 9Liverwort).


> Hi, We have an interesting discussion happening at Master Gardeners. Can
> you
> help?
> Master Gardeners has a question about what one member. Another member
> reported, "It could be sooty bark disease, but this looks very similar to
> Stachybotrys mould, which requires a high moisture content & it is known
> to
> grow on Maples (Xerophile mould grows on Maple Syrup). Stachybotrys is
> black, feathery &/or powder-like to the touch; however, you should try not
> to have direct contact with your unprotected hands as it's a neurotoxin
> used
> in "biochemical warfare", etc.,....it's the reason many US homes have to
> be
> torn down & rebuilt as it has been dubbed "black asbestos". It likes to
> grow
> in between the walls, etc., & is difficult to eradicate once it starts
> growing. If you were dealing with Stachybotrys on your home walls, you
> could
> try to neutralize it with bleach; however, as it's growing on your Maple
> trees, I would get an Expert involved. It could be a lesser black mould
> such
> as Aspergillus, Alternaria Atra, or Cladosporium, but judging from the 3D
> depth of this mould, I think it's Stachbotrys, so try not to inhale it
> either..."
> Thanks so much!
> Pat Kerr
> Author, My Tree, My Forest
> & We are Planting a Forest
> R. R. #2 Bruce Mines, ON
> P0R 1C0 Canada
> (705) 785-9900
>  <https://www.facebook.com/PADPUBLISHING/>
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