[CANUFNET] Free CEUs: 2/01 'Urban Forestry Today' Noonhour (Eastern) Webcast

Richard Harper rharper at eco.umass.edu
Tue Jan 30 10:44:37 EST 2024

'The Edible Urban Forest'

Join Prof. Tenley Conway, PhD, & Janina Kowalski, PhD, University of Toronto, as they discuss the potential for urban food tree sites to provide engagement opportunities for urban residents.

To view the 2/01 broadcast @ Noon (Eastern) & receive a Free ISA/MCA CEU, join live or pre-register by clicking here<https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6126229632480809567> or visiting www.joinwebinar.com<http://www.joinwebinar.com/> & entering 893-044-643.

Attendees should plan to join promptly the day of the broadcast, as space will be limited.

For more details, visit www.urbanforestrytoday.org<http://www.urbanforestrytoday.org/>, or contact:

Dr. Rick Harper, Extension Professor
Department of Environmental Conservation
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
uft at umass.edu<mailto:uft at umass.edu>

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