[CANUFNET] new papers on NGOs in UF mgmt in Canada

Peter Duinker Peter.Duinker at Dal.Ca
Fri Feb 2 08:36:53 EST 2024

Dear CANUFNET Colleagues:

Some journals provide the welcome service of giving authors of new papers, and their friends, a month or more of free access before the paper sits behind a paywall. That doesn't affect most people affiliated with universities but others are unlikely to have subscription access to the journals. So, in the spirit of alerting the Canadian urban-forestry community to a new paper folks may be interested in, here is the link for a free download of a paper that has this citation:

Doucet, T.C., P.N. Duinker, M. Zurba, J.W.N. Steenberg, and J.D. Charles. 2024. Perspectives of successes and challenges in collaborations between non-governmental organizations and local government on urban forest management. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening:128220 (online). doi.org/10.1016/j.ufug.2024.128220<https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ufug.2024.128220>


The link is good until 16 March. By the way, Tyler's first paper is available from him (tyler.doucet at dal.ca<mailto:tyler.doucet at dal.ca>) or me. Here is its citation:

Doucet, T.C., P.N. Duinker, J.D. Charles, J.W.N. Steenberg, and M. Zurba. 2024.  Characterizing non-governmental organizations and local government collaborations in urban forest management across Canada. Environmental Management 73:231-242. doi.org/10.1007/s00267-023-01889-8

Tyler was funded partially by the Ufor Network (https://ufor.uqo.ca/)

See you at CUFC 2024 in Winnipeg in October!

Cheers, Peter

Peter N. Duinker, PhD
Professor Emeritus
School for Resource and Environmental Studies, Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3H 4R2
peter.duinker at dal.ca

Co-Principal, Sylveritas Ltd.
pnduinker at gmail.com
phone: 902-229-5141

Founder, Halifax Tree Project

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