[CANUFNET] CEUs: 3/21 & 5/30 'Urban Forestry Today' Webcasts @ Noon (Eastern)

Richard Harper rharper at eco.umass.edu
Thu Mar 21 07:11:34 EDT 2024

Two Upcoming CEU Opportunities:

'They're Coming - the 2024 Pests of the Landscape'

Join Brian Eshenaur, NYS IPM Program @ Cornell University, as he returns Today (Mar 21) @ Noon (Eastern) to discuss the potential diseases and insect pests of importance for the upcoming growing season.

Register or attend live at no cost and receive a free ISA/MCA CEU by clicking here<https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/8599108254453531737> or by visiting www.joinwebinar.com<https://umass.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=f84e31d0ce1c9b9ecdc556c80&id=7d848ef395&e=2b0db09847> & entering: 521-734-387


'Summer Tree Summit' w/ Dr. Dexter Locke, USDA Forest Service

Urban Forestry Today’s ‘Summer Tree Summit’ returns Thurs May 30 from Noon-2PM (Eastern) with Dr. Dexter Locke, USFS who will discuss Tree canopy, environmental justice & urban forestry: Understanding the relationship.

How do we define environmental justice in the context of urban tree canopy cover and urban forest management? Join Dexter Locke, PhD, as he explains these important terms and concepts, and their practical ramifications for both urban foresters & residents.

The fee for this LIVE BROADCAST is $20.00 USD & will support the New England Chapter of ISA. Certified arborists in attendance will have the opportunity to earn 2.0 ISA/1.0 MCA CEUs. Pre-register to attend by clicking here<https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/2zdprwg/lp/755105ca-badb-4365-a537-a9e383a133a5> or visit www.tinyurl.com/treesummit2024<http://www.tinyurl.com/treesummit2024>  Questions? Heather at NewEnglandISA.org<mailto:Heather at NewEnglandISA.org>

For more information, contact:
Dr. Rick Harper
Extension Professor
Department of Environmental Conservation
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
uft at umass.edu<mailto:uft at umass.edu>

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