green and peace films in toronto
angela bischoff
greenspi at
Mon Sep 24 09:02:28 EDT 2007
Sequel to the renowned documentary
"End of Suburbia"
Join us at our Metro Greens "Free" Film Night this Monday 9pm!
When: Monday Sept. 24th 2007 at 9:00 PM
Where: Brunswick Theatre (second floor)
296 Brunswick Ave, 2nd Floor Toronto, ON (647) 282-DOCS
Brunswick @ Bloor, SW corner (south a few doors on Brunswick)
"Free" Film including a chance to meet the Stars.
** "Free" means $20 donation at the door to Trinity-Spadina Greens
$ 5 popcorn voucher
$15 Ontario political tax credit refund in cash! at tax time.
Looking forward to seeing you there.
......Dan King 416-595-1782 Candidate, Green Party, Trinity-Spadina
Make Goals Not War
will screen on Sunday, September 30 at 6:00 PM
at the Rainbow Cinema (On Front Street)
as part of the COMMFFEST (Community Film Festival - visit for more info).
Make Goals Not War has a simple mission: to build a better and more
peaceful world. War destroys the lives of countless people every day. The
vast majority of these are innocent victims, ordinary people caught in the
crossfire. These people are human beings, just like us - they have the
same hopes and dreams, passions and fears. We believe that the continued
existence of war is wholly unacceptable and preventable.
"I have co-dedicated my new documentary film, Make Goals Not War, to the
memory of Tooker (and my grandmother)... I found the stories about
Tooker's guerrilla activism very inspiring and it was part of the spark
that lit the fuse to realize my projects. Moreover, the stories about
Tooker's unconventional strategies, especially how he broke into the
climate change conference, were highly influential. These were lessons
that I applied to my own guerrilla film-making and I would not ever in a
million years have had the guts to try to break through security
checkpoints (which I did successfully) had it not been for hearing how
Tooker had done so."
Matias E. Margulis
Exectuive Director
Make Goals Not War
email: director at
------------------------------------------------------------------------- is a place where art and environment collide.
You are invited to express yourself through video, graphic design, audio
and text based mediums to share with the world your concerns and hopes for
the future of green life. A life that is about more than recycling once a
week... a life that is critically tied to the natural world and
experienced within in.
Eulogies for Tooker and Stories for a
healthy mind, body and planet
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