Greenspiration News: feds, activism, tar sands, drugs

Angela Bischoff greenspi at
Wed Jul 22 11:08:36 EDT 2009

Greenspiration News

"We hunger for communities of meaning that can transcend the  
individualism and selfishness that we see around us and that will  
provide an ethical and spiritual framework that gives our lives some  
higher purpose." -- Michael Lerner, The Politics of Meaning


No federal subsidies for ON's nukes

The Ontario government has hit the ball into Prime Minister Harper’s  
court, proposing that taxpayers across the country subsidize new  
nuclear power reactors for Ontario. Imagine that – taxes going up in  
Montreal, Calgary and Halifax to cover new nukes for Ontario!

But Ontario has cleaner, greener and cheaper alternatives to keeping  
the lights on. We don’t need to sink more dollars into nuclear. Can  
you help us get the word out?

Our new pamphlet Ontario has an option: Plentiful Clean and Green  
Power Is Lower Cost and Lower Risk than Nuclear tells the story in a  
nutshell.  Clean power options can provide more than three times the  
electricity needed to replace Ontario’s aging nuclear reactors, at  
far lower cost.

Help us spread the message across the country that Ontario wants  
green power, not nuclear, and that more taxpayer-funded subsidies for  
nuclear (whatever government they come from) are the last thing we  
should be considering given our current financial circumstances.

Order pamphlets to deliver to your friends, families, groups, etc. by  
clicking here.  They’re free! Each pamphlet contains a postcard to be  
sent to our Prime Minister, and another to be sent to Ontario’s  
Energy Minister. With your help we can ensure that thousands get sent  
in to our elected officials. Speak up now before any new contracts  
are signed.

Thanks for your help!


Canada dead last on climate change
We can no longer use the U.S. as an excuse for inaction

Here is a sobering thought to consider as Canada prepares to assume  
the presidency of the G8 following this week's meeting in Italy:  
Canada has for the first time replaced the United States as the worst  
performer on tackling climate change among G8 nations. 


Over 100 Greenpeace activists occupy four Italian coal plants,  
demanding G8 climate leadership

Rome, Italy —8 July 2009 – As the leaders of the world’s most  
powerful nations arrived at the G8 Summit today, over 100 Greenpeace  
activists from around the world have occupied four coal-fired power  
stations across Italy, demanding the G8 Heads of State take  
leadership on climate change. 

Heat: How to Stop the Planet from Burning

An executive summary of George Monbiot's excellent book, Heat: How to  
Stop the Planet from Burning, can be read here: 


Taking Shorter Showers Doesn't Cut It:
Why Personal Change Does Not Equal Political Change
by Derrick Jensen

Would any sane person think dumpster diving would have stopped  
Hitler, or that composting would have ended slavery or brought about  
the eight-hour workday, or that chopping wood and carrying water  
would have gotten people out of Tsarist prisons, or that dancing  
naked around a fire would have helped put in place the Voting Rights  
Act of 1957 or the Civil Rights Act of 1964? Then why now, with all  
the world at stake, do so many people retreat into these entirely  
personal “solutions”?

Part of the problem is that we’ve been victims of a campaign of  
systematic misdirection. Consumer culture and the capitalist mindset  
have taught us to substitute acts of personal consumption (or  
enlightenment) for organized political resistance. 


Tell Your Premier to Stand Strong for Clean Energy!

Premiers meet in Regina in two weeks

All of Canada's Premiers will meet in Regina from August 5 to 7,  
2009. Global warming and green jobs will be on the agenda.

Will your Premier stand up to Alberta Premier Ed Stelmach, and tell  
him that pollution from the tar sands cannot be allowed to wipe out  
the hard work of others doing their part to fight global warming?

Our federal government is now secretly designing a "cap and trade"  
system to get large polluters to cut their emissions. But under this  
system, Ottawa seems ready to give the tar sands special treatment,  
letting pollution there continue to grow. If that happens, then other  
provinces and other economic sectors will have to cut their emissions  
even more to make up for the tar sands. That isn't fair.

Every industry sector and every province must do its fair share to  
cut global warming pollution. Canada must work together.

Your Premier needs to hear from you on this critical issue!

Please take a moment to ask your Premier for a strong and fair system  
to cut global warming pollution across Canada.


The myth of the chemical cure

Taking a pill to treat depression is widely believed to work by  
reversing a chemical imbalance.

But in this week's Scrubbing Up health column, Dr Joanna Moncrieff,  
of the department of mental health sciences at University College  
London, says they actually put people into "drug-induced states".


New Report on ADHD Drugs Blowback

"Methylphenidate has a chemical structure similar to that of cocaine  
and acts on the brain in a very similar way." In February 2009,  
neuroscientists at the Rockefeller University reported cocaine-like  
structural and chemical alterations in the brains of mice given  

It is common for cocaine addicts to experience depression, anxiety  
and cognitive problems, and mental health authorities have long  
reported that ADHD as a "risk factor" for other mental health  
problems but have neglected to take seriously the possibility that it  
is the ADHD-drug treatment itself that contributes to higher rates of  
other emotional and cognitive difficulties. 


Catch this incredible story about the Mothers Act, a desperate  
attempt by Big Pharma to drug expectant mothers and new moms, and by  
extension their kids. Although it's based in the US, you can be sure  
Canada is next in line.

The Mothers Act Disease Mongering Campaign

The Mothers Act campaign has operated under the guise of helping  
women suffering from postpartum depression and postpartum psychosis  
to develop a new industry, complete with specialties like,  
"reproductive psychiatry," or "reproductive mental health," with a  
plan to "screen" and "treat" women of childbearing years for a long  
list of "perinatal" mental disorders, to financially benefit  
psychiatric drug makers, as well as the treatment providers and  
"experts" in the new self-created field.

"The last thing drug companies want is for juries (and the public) to  
learn the truth - that these drugs can cause people to become violent  
and homicidal," she advises.



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