T.O. Greenspiration Events: don't despair, organize

Angela Bischoff angela at cleanairalliance.org
Sun Nov 4 23:11:29 EST 2018

Toronto friends, I'm honored to have won "Runner Up for Best Activist" in the Readers' Choice Awards of NOW Magazine. There are of course thousands of amazing activists in Toronto changing this city for the better - here's to them all! And to those that voted for me, I'm humbled - thank you! 

- a





Send your input on a new climate plan for Ontario today. Template provided.



Four greenhouse gas emission reduction options for Ontario

Here are four actions that Minister Phillips can take to reduce our GHG emissions and make life more affordable for families. From the Ontario Clean Air Alliance.






Don't despair: the climate fight is only over if you think it is

By Rebecca Solnit. After the panicky IPCC report on climate change, it’s easy for pessimism to set in – but that would be conceding defeat. At the beginning of the 21st century, renewables were expensive, inefficient, infant technologies incapable of meeting our energy needs. In a revolution at least as profound as the industrial revolution, wind and solar engineering and manufacturing have changed everything; we now have the technological capacity to largely leave fossil fuel behind. It was not possible then; it is now. That is stunning. And encouraging.



'We've never seen this': massive Canadian glaciers shrinking rapidly

Glaciers in the Yukon territory are retreating even faster than expected in a warming climate, scientists warn



The unseen driver behind the migrant caravan: climate change

“In past years, it rained on time. My plants produced, but there’s no longer any pattern [to the weather].” Climate change is bringing more extreme and unpredictable weather to the Central American region: summer rainfall is starting later and has become more irregular. Drought fuelled by El Niño has gripped much of Central America over the past four years, but the period has been occasionally punctuated by disastrous flooding rains.



An explainer on the federal carbon pricing backstop 

Carbon pricing works. It’s cost-effective and can reduce GHG emissions at lower cost than any other policy option. It can drive clean innovation. The federal carbon pricing backstop system is a simple, transparent approach to putting a price on carbon across Canada. 



Indigenous poets read urgent climate message on a melting glacier

6 minute incredible video






60% of world's wildlife has been wiped out since 1970

In Canada, political leaders have committed via the UN Convention of Biological Diversity, to protect 10 per cent of marine areas and 17 per cent of its land, though we are not close to meeting those goals.






The Anthropocene – special exhibit

On till Jan 6th, 2019

AGO - Art Gallery of Ontario, Dundas and McCaul

A major new contemporary art exhibition that tells the story of human impact on the Earth through film, photography, and new experiential technologies. From the collective of photographer Edward Burtynsky and filmmakers Jennifer Baichwal and Nicholas de Pencier.






Bike City Exhibit

Showcasing 13 bicycles, archival photographs, early advertisements and artifacts from private and public collections, the new exhibit, Bike City, tells the story of the bicycle and its impact on Toronto, past, present and future. The exhibit is on display until November 17, 2018, at the Market Gallery on the second floor of the St. Lawrence Market at 95 Front St. E






Stop Canadian arms shipments to Saudi Arabia






Fight for $15 and Fairness






White Poppies for Peace

Mon. Nov. 5, 6 - 9 p.m.

Friends House, 60 Lowther Ave.

Join Voice of Women for Peace (VOW) for a potluck supper and white poppy making event. You can take the white poppies we make on Monday night and share them with family and friends. The white poppy emerged as a symbol of peace in 1933 when the Women’s Co-operative Guild in Britain was searching for a way to show their members were against war and for non-violence. 


White poppies are a symbol of peace

“Red poppies are generally for the veterans, white poppy is recognizing that in fact the majority of deaths in war are civilians... It is to express our commitment to work for peace, which would protect the lives of people in the future whether they are in the military or civilians. What we want is a peaceful future.”






Dark Money

Tues. Nov. 6

Hot Docs Cinema, 506 Bloor W.

DARK MONEY, a political thriller, examines one of the greatest present threats to American democracy: the influence of untraceable corporate money on our elections and elected officials.






Book Launch: Global Warming and the Sweetness of Life

Wed. Nov. 7, 6:30 pm

A Different Booklist, 777 Bathurst Street

Book launch, reading and discussion, with Matt Hern and Shirley Roburn






How to use the IPCC 1.5C Special Report

Thur. Nov. 8, 1 - 2p.m.


The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recently released their Special Report on 1.5C Degrees of warming. What are the key takeaways from the report and how can civil society use it to push for more ambitious climate action in Canada?






Zero Waste Conference 

Thur. Nov. 8, 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.

The Symes, 150 Symes Road in the Junction

Join the City of Toronto and local waste reduction innovators for a provocative and interactive discussion about the circular economy and becoming a zero waste city. Join the growing movement of waste conscious citizens and learn how you can get involved in making a difference. Free.






How a just peace in Palestine-Israel can save our planet

A talk by Robert Massoud, founder of Zatoun and Beit Zatoun

Thursday, November 8, 7 p.m.

Friends House, 60 Lowther

Israel-Palestine is of direct interest to all humanity and its resolution vital to peace in the world and ultimately to the health of the planet.  Massoud believes that appreciating the enormity and wide-ranging impacts of the Israel-Palestine situation creates interest for people to self-educate which is the best path to commitment and effective civil society.






Disability, Racism and Conceptions of the Jewish BodyAlternative: Alternative Shabbes Potluck for Holocaust Education Week with Arielle Sugarman

Friday, Nov. 9, 6:30 - 9 pm

U of T, Wetmore Hall, 300 Huron Street, Dixon Senior Common Room (135A)

Disabled people were some of the earliest victims of the Nazi regime. This interactive talk will trace the history of the early treatment of Disabled persons in Europe, the connections made between Disabled folks and Jews, often based in "race science," eugenics, and ableism — and how this kind of thinking continues to inform racist and ableist norms today. We will examine the creation of identities such as the “Muscle Jew,” the “New Jew” and the “Sabra.” $5 or PWYC — All are welcome. Bring a dish to share, UJPO will provide challah and ceremonial wine and grape juice.

To RSVP or for more info: info at winchevskycentre.org 





Into the Ring with Ford: A Fundraiser for the Neskantaga and Eabametoong First Nations  

Friday, November 9, 7 - 9 pm 

Ryerson University, 55 Dundas Street West, Room 1-147 (TRSM) 

Large chromite deposits have been discovered in the homelands of the Neskantaga and Eabametoong First Nations. Premier Doug Ford has vowed to open up the Ring of Fire to extraction, even if he has to “hop on that bulldozer" himself. Meet the leaders and community members on the frontlines, defending their land and holding Ford accountable to Indigenous laws in their territory. Donations at the door, suggested minimum donation of $10.  






All Out Against Fascism: Toronto anti-PEGIDA rally

Sat. Nov. 10, noon - 4 p.m.

Mel Lastman Square, 5100 Yonge St.

Once again PEGIDA (the "Patriotische Europäer gegen die Islamisierung des Abendlandes") is planning to hold an anti-Muslim, anti-refugee rally. Once again, we expect various far-right groups to take part, including the Proud Boys, the Northern Guard, the Three Percenter militia, and others. And once again, we intended to shut it down. TAF (Toronto Against Fascism) will be there to stand against racism and fascism. Please come out and support Muslims, refugees, immigrants, and all others under threat by these organizations.






Green Inve$sting- GPO Community Conversations

Sunday, Nov. 11, 2 - 4 pm

Runnymede Library, 2178 Bloor Street West

Come learn about your options to invest in a sustainable future whether you have $500 or $500,000! Admission is FREE. There will be light refreshments and door prizes. 






For the best Canadian climate and energy news, subscribe to the Energy Mix newsletter






Centre for Social Innovation Events






Hot Docs

Bloor Cinema (Bloor and Bathurst)






NOW magazine hosts a very comprehensive online events listing






Subscribes, unsubscribes and submissions: angela at cleanairalliance.org 



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