T.O. Greenspiration Events: Extinction Rebellion to Blockade Bloor Viaduct Monday

Angela Bischoff angela at cleanairalliance.org
Sun Oct 6 17:29:41 EDT 2019


Mark your calendars to vote Oct. 21 – better yet, vote in advance so that you can help pull the vote for your favoured candidate on e-day. Successful candidates require hundreds of volunteers to help canvass, input data and pull the vote.


Federal Party Survey on Environmental Platforms

Environmental protection, economic justice and human rights.



How do the main parties compare on these issues?

Carbon tax, child care, climate change, deficits, education, guns, health care, housing, immigration, indigenous, jobs, manufacturing, NAFTA, pipelines, seniors, small business, taxes, technology and transportation.



No Federal Party Has a Plan to Hit a 1.5 or 2.0°C Climate Target

Canada’s current Liberal gov't climate policies are consistent with 3.0°C average warming; the Conservative Party plan would bring the country to 4.0°C; while the New Democrats and Greens are closest to a 2.0°C trajectory.



The best and worst federal party climate plans, graded

A climate scientist and an economist assign letter grades to the major parties’ plans to cut carbon emissions



This is Our Time for a Green New Deal

This election, we’re working for bold action to tackle the climate emergency. Check out the slate of candidates endorsed by Our Time that promise to champion a Green New Deal for Canada.






Why activists want to make ecocide a crime against humanity

9 min. CBC radio interview with activist Jojo Mehta, co-founder of Stop Ecocide, an environmental organization campaigning to get the International Criminal Court (ICC) to recognize "ecocide" as an atrocity crime alongside genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity.



What is Ecocide?

Ecocide is a crime against the living natural world – ecosystem loss, damage or destruction is occurring every day; for instance, the Athabasca Tar Sands.  Ecocide is a crime against the Earth, not just humans. Further, ecocide can also be climate crime: dangerous industrial activity causes climate ecocide.






Climate Resistance Handbook: Or, I was part of a climate action. Now what?

Featuring a foreword by Greta Thunberg.

If you’re wondering how to build a powerful, strategic movement that can make big wins for climate action, this is your guide. The Climate Resistance Handbook brings together a wealth of learnings from the climate justice movement. It starts with breaking social myths about how social movements win. Then dives into campaign tools and frameworks you can use. It closes with how to grow your group and use creative, impactful actions and tactics.






How the Plastics Industry Is Fighting to Keep Polluting the World



Climate change science goes back decades ⁠— and so does climate change skepticism, says historian

Historian Naomi Oreskes breaks down the origins of efforts to undermine climate action. A CBC Ideas one-hour radio program.






Toronto City Council unanimously passed the motion: Declaring a Climate Emergency and Accelerating Toronto's Climate Action Plan

Congrats to the 50 groups that signed onto a declaration calling for this motion, and congrats to the youth for organizing the climate strikes! 



Toronto Unanimously Adopts Climate Emergency Resolution, Still Rebuilds Major Highway

Good overview tieing in the climate emergency resolution just adopted by Council, Transform TO. and the hypocrisy of rebuilding the Gardiner.






'I want patriarchy to fear women': the time for being civil, peaceful and polite is over

Feminist author and activist Mona Eltahawy shares her call to action for women and girls. 53 min. CBC radio interview.






Global Rebellion - T.O. Bridge Blockade part of a global Extinction Rebellion call-out for action

Monday, Oct. 7, 7:30 am - noon

Meet at Playter Gardens (NW corner of Danforth and Broadview)

Join XR Rebels around the world and across Canada to disrupt business as usual. Meet at 7:30 a.m. sharp for debriefing in Playter Gardens Park. We will begin our disruption of the Bloor Viaduct at 8 a.m. A notice of demonstration will be filed with the police for this event. Those who feel unsafe in the road are invited to stay in the park which will keep you safe from vehicles and has no risk of arrest. After the disruption there will be a debrief about our experience.



Ward 14 Bikes is supporting with non-arrest-able projects; creative and not-so-creative volunteers/supplies needed!

Join our Group Ride from Riverdale Branch Library (7:15 a.m.) to The Viaduct to act as support for a XRTO action (planning Support Only - no civil disobedience is expected from Group Ride attendees).



Extinction Rebellion youtube videos






We Are the Weather: Saving the Planet Begins at Breakfast

This is a life-changing book and will alter your relationship to food for ever. I can’t imagine anyone reading Jonathan Safran Foer’s lucid, heartfelt, deeply compassionate prose and then reaching blithely for a cheeseburger. 






Two Ontario Native Communities On Front Lines To Avert Climate Change Disaster

The Objiway community of Eabametoong and Cree of Nestantaga in northern Ontario are anticipating a three-year struggle to oppose two new roads planned to accommodate mines in what has become known as Ontario’s Ring of Fire. The lack of any roads in the entire Ring of Fire Region makes it critical for the caribou’s recovery.






Mobilize Mondays 

Mon. Oct. 7, 5 – 7 p.m.

Yonge-Dundas Square

Weekly blockades organized by Extinction Rebellion faith-based affinity groups every Monday until the federal election. Faith in the Future.






Leaders' Debate Watch Party

Mon. Oct. 7, 7 - 9 p.m. 

Workers Action Center, 720 Spadina Avenue

Join Our Time for a digital watch party of the official English language federal leaders' debate. After the record-breaking climate strikes from September 20th - 27th we're expecting party leaders to come forward with bold and transformative climate action plans. We're keeping our eyes on the leaders to see who actually has a visionary plan that meets the urgency of the moment -- like a Green New Deal for Canada.

Watch with others at the venue on Spadina https://its.our-time.ca/events/leaders-debate-watch-party-toronto

OR watch from your own computer. https://our-time.ca/answers/ 





Conflict, Inequality and Redistribution

Monday, Oct 7, 5 - 7 p.m.

The Vivian and David Campbell Conference Facility, 1 Devonshire Place, U of T

This lecture addresses an age-old question in political economy: does government spending on welfare ensure peace? Despite a longstanding historical relationship between peace, democracy and the welfare state, few empirical studies to date have analyzed the causal effect of social policies in preventing or reducing political violence, or the type of policies that may be used to mitigate social conflicts and prevent their escalation into widespread violence. 






House Divided: Solving Toronto's Affordability Crisis

Tues. Oct. 8, 7 - 8 p.m.

Toronto Reference Library Atrium (Yonge north of Bloor)

Come hear housing experts and editors of the new anthology House Divided discuss how targeted planning reforms combined with the 'missing middle' are the answer to creating affordable housing for all ages and demographic groups.






Ken Greenberg: Toronto Reborn

Tue Oct 8, 6 - 7 p.m.

Toronto Reference Library, Beeton Hall (Yonge north of Bloor)

Why does Toronto look the way it does today? How did the old postwar city transform into the unique, modern metropolis we live in? Ken Greenberg presents his new book, Toronto Reborn, where he takes a look at how the work and decisions of citizens, NGOs, businesses, and governments since 1970 have combined to shape Toronto's neighbourhoods and urban spaces.






TransformTO Consultations - Public Meetings and Online Survey 

Public meetings will take place Tues. Oct. 8 (Etobicoke), Oct. 17 (Warden), Oct. 24 (North York), and Oct. 30 (downtown) as well as online.

The City of Toronto is inviting residents to share their ideas on actions and priorities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Toronto. Input from residents will help to inform the 2021 to 2023 implementation plan for the City's TransformTO climate action strategy. The plan will be presented to Council in the spring of 2020. The public can also provide input by completing a survey or by hosting their own community conversation. The online survey and resources to support community-hosted conversations are available here:






Keep Space for Peace – No to Missile Defence, US Space Force, No NATO

Special action in solidarity with the worldwide Keep Space for Peace campaign

Wed. Oct. 9, noon - 1 p.m.

NATO Association of Canada Office 48 Yonge St (corner with Wellington)

Organized by the Canadian Voice of Women for Peace (VOW) in solidarity with the international campaign Keep Space for Peace – No to Canada joining missile defence, no to Trump’s US space force and no to NATO!  This year is the 70th anniversary of this male-dominated military alliance and Cold War relic that threatens our security with weapons and war. NATO puts intense pressure on the Canadian government to increase military spending and is preventing Canada from joining the UN Treaty to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons. VOW is calling for the Canadian government to withdraw from NATO and work through the United Nations on disarmament and the Sustainable Development Goals that will bring genuine human security. No to NATO; yes to peace, nonviolence and sustainability! Organized by the Canadian Voice of Women for Peace 







Alternatives to the War on Drugs in Canada

Wed. Oct. 9, noon - 2 pm

Banting Institute (Room 131), 100 College Street

Hear from a multidisciplinary team of panelists as they share their perspectives on how we can dismantle the War on Drugs and support a public health approach to drug policy. Nothing has contributed more to the overdose crisis and issues of mass incarceration than the War on Drugs in Canada. This event will invite activists, researchers, public health professionals, and people with lived experience of substance use to discuss alternatives to drug prohibition and consider compassionate approaches to drug policy that prioritize public health and social justice. We are an international grassroots network concerned about the negative impact our drug policies have on individuals and communities. @UofTCSSDP @CSSDPRyerson






Provincial Policy Statement Primer & Review 

Wed. Oct. 9, 1 - 2 p.m.


The Ontario government has proposed a series of changes to the Provincial Policy Statement, which is the key statement of the governments’ policies on land use planning and provides direction on all land use planning issues that impact communities. Canadian Environmental Law Association is concerned that the proposed changes represent a shift away from prioritizing the protection of water, natural heritage and ensuring climate resilient communities. CELA is hosting this webinar to review and discuss the changes, and share updates about submissions, responses and campaigns.






Protecting the Greatness of our Great Lakes 

Thur. Oct 10, 7 - 8 p.m.

North York Central Library 5120 Yonge

Talk by biologist and educator Mary Kate Whibbs. This lecture will focus on our role as individuals to protect this sensitive ecosystem by highlighting key actions we can take in our daily lives and introducing new ways to get involved with Great Lakes conservation efforts.






We Need to Talk about the climate crisis


Thur. Oct. 10, 2 p.m.

During the webinar we'll explore questions like: How can we talk about the climate crisis in a way that inspires action? What role does compassion and understanding play in discussing such a daunting and frightening topic? How do we express the urgency and magnitude of the situation in a way that draws people into the conversation—rather than drives them away?






How Cities Are Paying for Climate Resilience


Thur. October 10, 1:15 - 2:45 pm

Join city leaders, authors of the recent report "How Cities Are Paying for Climate Resilience: Playbook 1.0," and professionals supporting resilience in hundreds of cities around the globe to explore the strategies that reflect the leading-edge of urban climate-resilience financing practices discuss what they foreshadow for other cities and the continuing evolution of the urban leadership for climate-resilience finance.

Register: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/8077974890917656065 





Reducing Single-Use & Takeaway Items

Thur. Oct. 10 from 7 – 8 p.m. OR Thur. Oct. 24 from 1 – 2 p.m. OR submit your comments online

The City is seeking feedback on approaches and timelines to reduce specific single-use and takeaway items in Toronto. A single-use or takeaway item is any product designed for a single use after which it is disposed of in the garbage, Blue Bin (recycling) or Green Bin (organics). Typically, these products are not designed for durability or reuse. Examples include coffee cups and takeout containers. View the last online webinar, or participate in upcoming webinars on Oct. 10 or Oct. 24 OR just submit your comments online - the survey is anonymous and takes 10 min.






Rendezvous With Madness

October 10 – 20

Various venues in Toronto west end

The 27th annual Rendezvous With Madness Festival showcases 31 feature-length and short films from around the globe, 21 live performance pieces, a visual and media arts exhibition, and the addition of a new event, Laughter vs. The Universe – a one night only comedy showcase designed to remind us that sometimes laughter truly is the best medicine.






Quiet Killing  

Friday, October 11, 7 p.m. 

OISE 5-240, 252 Bloor St w

2018 • Documentary. An examination of the issue of missing and murdered Indigenous women, the film explores the reasons why indigenous women are uniquely vulnerable to violence by juxtaposing the stories of some missing or murdered women with the personal testimonies of women who are doing activism on the issue and women who have personally survived incidents of violence. 






Decolonizing the Heart 2-DAY Workshop: Deep Learning for Deep Change

Sat. Oct. 12 or 19 and Nov. 9

Toronto United Mennonite Church, 1774 Queen Street East

Reconciliation requires building relationships. Building relationships requires more than coming together over issues. Where do we begin? You feel helpless at how messed up the world is, what do you do? You want to work with people – but they seem so different. Where do you begin? This is a workshop to address questions like these. Decolonizing our own hearts is necessary before we can work together for transformation. We begin by sharing our stories.






Planet in Focus International Environmental Film Festival

Oct. 15 - 20 

Attend the entire 20th anniversary of Planet in Focus International Environmental Film Festival, with Festival Pass access to more than 50 films including the Opening Night Gala, Industry Conference, Fest Forum panels, Family Program and Closing Night Gala with Academy Award winning filmmaker Louie Psihoyos






Toxic Tour of Chemical Valley

by Rising Tide Toronto

Sat. Oct. 19, 8 a.m. - 10 p.m.

Bus leaves for Christie Pits and returns in the evening

The Toxic Tour is an opportunity to see and experience first-hand the pollution that Aamjiwnaang First Nation community members experience every day. Aamjiwnaang First Nation is located in the middle of Sarnia’s Chemical Valley, the most polluted place in North America, according to National Geographic. The reserve is encircled by over 73 high-emitting facilities such as petrochemical refineries and various factories. The toxic operations and regular chemical releases are poisoning people in the community which faces high rates of asthma, cancer, miscarriages, stillbirths, and endocrine disruptions. The fact that an Indigenous community is being sacrificed for corporate profit and nothing is being done to protect community members is a clear sign of Environmental Racism. We can do our part by learning about this situation and supporting the grassroots groups raising awareness and trying to stop further contamination of the community’s people and territory.

Register for the actual tour in Aamjiwnaang by filling in the form found at http://www.aamjiwnaangsolidarity.org/ 

Book the Toronto bus here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/toronto-buses-to-the-toxic-tour-of-chemical-valley-tickets-72193509731 

Share event on FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/2411353535585296/?ti=cl  





For the best Canadian climate and energy news, subscribe to the Energy Mix newsletter






Centre for Social Innovation Events






Toronto Public Libraries host Our fragile Planet, free environmental and community events






Hot Docs

Bloor Cinema (Bloor and Bathurst)






NOW magazine hosts a very comprehensive online events listing





Submissions, subscribes, unsubscribes, and comments: angela at cleanairalliance.org




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