T.O. Greenspiration Events: #VoteClimate

Angela Bischoff angela at cleanairalliance.org
Sun Oct 20 22:11:45 EDT 2019


Your Ultimate #VoteClimate Guide to Election 2019



Apathy is Boring is part of a network of organizations leading the largest non-partisan voter campaign in Canadian history. Throughout 2019, we are committed to making it as easy, meaningful and fun for young Canadians to get out and VOTE!   



Just F’ing Vote (JFV)



To vote strategically - ABC (Anyone but Conservative) - go to https://calculatedpolitics.ca/2019-canadian-federal-election/ontario/ and/or http://338canada.com/districts/districts.htm


The biggest winner in Canada's election is the military

Regardless of who wins on Monday, it's the generals at the war department and the CEOs of major weapons manufacturers who are licking their chops. Few Canadian voters realize that hundreds of billions of their tax dollars will be committed to corporate welfare projects to build warships at a cost of at least $105 billion and fighter bombers that at base cost $25 billion (likely much higher, given that military industries traditionally underbid and overcharge). All war zones are sites of environmental catastrophe and ecocide. >From the use of defoliants to destroy trees and brush in Southeast Asia to the traumatic destruction of forests during both world wars to the use of depleted uranium in Iraq and Afghanistan to the ongoing testing and use of chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons, all life forms on the planet are under threat from militarism.



For this Progressive, the Greens Speak to the Heart

I share Green members’ refusal to sacrifice nature for jobs. But the NDP and Greens have more in common than not. GuyDauncey calls for a merger of the Greens and NDP into the Green New Democrats. 



Climate and Environment will determine who is Canada’s next PM






Doug Ford promised action on climate change in Ontario — we’re still waiting

A year into its mandate, Ontario has done next to nothing to actually reduce greenhouse gas emissions in this province.



Failure To Launch: A Progress Report on Ontario's Climate Actions






‘Fountain’ of Escaping Methane Leaves Arctic Researchers Transfixed

Russian, Chinese, and Swedish scientists on a recent expedition to study the environmental consequences of marine permafrost melt in the Eastern Siberian Sea report seeing a patch of ocean “boiling” with methane bubbles—leaving them transfixed by the size of the “fountain” of escaping greenhouse gas. The latest red flag for ongoing permafrost melt and methane releases across the northern hemisphere joins such unsettling discoveries as 2016 footage of formerly rock-hard Siberian permafrost turned jelly-like, and the 2017 discovery of brand new craters at the bottom of the Barents Sea, 3,000 kilometres west of Bennett Island. The craters were the aftermath of methane under pressure exploding out of the ocean floor.



Solid majority of Canadians oppose offshore oil and gas drilling in Canada’s Arctic

Sixty-five per cent of people in the territories and 58 per cent in the provinces want current ban extended to 2026. More than half of Canadians support a permanent ban. What will our next government do? 



‘Game-Changing’ Analysis: Unsubsidized Renewables, Efficiency Cost Less than New Alberta Gas Plants






Waste-free Parenting - Saving the Planet One Poop at a Time

Workshops and website on cloth diapers, zero-waste tricks, resources, deals, connection and more. With Ryan Dyment and Emily Hunter






Vote in the Federal Election!

Mon. Oct. 21, 9:30 a.m. - 9:30 p.m.

To find out where to vote, go here: https://www.elections.ca/Scripts/vis/FindED?L=e&QID=-1&PAGEID=20#38;cid=212ec42c-b0ef-4791-b8dc-6bb1da313259

You can vote even if you don't have a registration card. Just bring ID that confirms your identity and place of residence.

And work on your favourite campaign pulling the vote on e-day – every candidate needs volunteers.





Gaza Fights for Freedom 

Tues. Oct. 22, 6 – 9 p.m.

Revue Cinema, 400 Roncesvalles Ave.

This debut feature film by journalist Abby Martin began while reporting in Palestine, where she was denied entry into Gaza by the Israeli government on the accusation she was a “propagandist.” So Abby connected with a team of journalists in Gaza to produce the film through the blockade. Filmed during the height of the Great March Of Return protests, it features exclusive footage of demonstrations where 200 unarmed civilians have been killed by Israeli snipers since March 30, 2018. The documentary tells the story of Gaza past and present, showing rare archival footage that explains the history never acknowledged by mass media.







imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival

Tues.- Sun. Oct 22 - 27

TIFF Bell Lightbox (King and John) and other venues

Film, video, audio, digital media and exhibitions created by Indigenous artists from Canada and around the world.






Monthly Menstrual Meet Up

Tues. Oct 22, 7 - 9 p.m.

Anarres Natural Health Apothecary, 1076 Bloor W

Learn to hand and machine stitch our own comfortable, absorbent and totally affordable menstrual pads using wool, cotton and synthetic fibres.






Tell Mayor Tory: Don't approve a bad transit deal

Wed. Oct. 23, 9 - 11 a.m.

Toronto City Hall

Join the alliance of residents and organizations who will express concerns at the October 23rd Executive Committee meeting about the subway upload and Ontario Line: https://forms.gle/mfpDh3gnggLvMjw67 Premier Ford is considering dropping his plans to take over the TTC subway. This could be a huge win for riders. But there’s a big catch. In exchange, Premier Ford is pressuring Mayor John Tory to approve and spend billions on the Ontario Line. This is a problem because the Ontario Line will be a public-private partnership and questions about the cost of fares, construction timelines, community concerns, and capacity have not been fully answered. City Council hasn't said yes.... yet. That's why we're telling Mayor Tory: Don't approve a bad deal!

Read more and send a message to Mayor Tory here: http://ttcriders.ca/upload/  

Sign up here to make a deputation & we'll send you tips and background info: https://forms.gle/xt8hUbns8gDQsKM28 


Send a message to John Tory, Doug Ford and your local elected officials calling on them to support riders and the transit we need: https://www.jessicabellmpp.ca/ontarioline        





Vacant to Vibrant: Embedding green space in neighborhoods to clean water, cool cities, and bring equitable prosperity

Wed. Oct. 23, 1:15 - 2:45 p.m.


Vacant lots, so often seen as neighborhood blight, have the potential to be a key element of community revitalization. As manufacturing cities reinvent themselves after decades of lost jobs and population, abundant vacant land resources and interest in green infrastructure are expanding opportunities for community and environmental resilience. Vacant to Vibrant explains how inexpensive green infrastructure projects can reduce stormwater runoff and pollution, and provide neighborhood amenities, especially in areas with little or no access to existing green space.






Advancing Food Justice and Equity

Wed. Oct 23, 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. 

Daniels Spectrum 585 Dundas E

Full-day gathering focused on taking action around issues of race and oppression in the food system and food movement. Dialogue around racism in the food movement will enable food sector workers to share strategies to tackle these issues, including changes to HR policies, etc.






Bombs, Beaches, Bunkers: Looking At Life In A Nuclear Mode

Thur. Oct 24, noon - 1 p.m.

Ryerson School of Image Arts,122 Bond. In the Peter Higdon Research Centre, Room RIC-241.

Looking at photographs from the Black Star Collection, this talk by Philippe Depairon will examine the evolution of nuclear iconography between 1945 and 1990. 






Brexit: Why? & What's Next

Thur. Oct 24, 6:30 p.m.

George Ignatieff Theatre 15 Devonshire Place, U of T

Akaash Maharaj, CEO of The Mosaic Institute in conversation with Professor Mel Cappe will discuss the rise of populism and the hostility towards immigration that has sparked Brexit; the nature of the Irish backstop, and the implications for peace in Northern Ireland..






Guatemala: 10 Years of Revolution   

Friday, Oct. 25, 7 p.m.

OISE 5-240, 252 Bloor St W, U of T

Documentary. On July 4, 1944, dictator Jorge Ubico Castaneda was forced to resign in response to a wave of protests and a general strike.  A made in USA coup overthrew elected President Arbenz, leading to civil war and a failed state.  Socialist Action’s Nety Marroquin, just returned from a tour of Guatemala, will lead off the discussion.  






Understanding the Landscape of Nuclear Challenges for Canada 

Is the Dragon Sleeping in the House? 1-day conference

Sat. Nov. 2, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.


I'll be speaking about Canada's nuclear history. Other speakers will address radiation in the Great Lakes, dangers of the nuclear arms race, and radiation and public health. Join me!






For the best Canadian climate and energy news, read and subscribe to the Energy Mix newsletter






Centre for Social Innovation Events






Toronto Public Libraries host Our fragile Planet, free environmental and community events






Hot Docs

Bloor Cinema (Bloor and Bathurst)






NOW magazine hosts a very comprehensive online events listing





Submissions, subscribes, unsubscribes, and comments: mailto:angela at cleanairalliance.org




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