T.O. Greenspiration Events: Planetary health, not fossil fuels

Angela Bischoff angela at cleanairalliance.org
Mon Mar 30 00:00:18 EDT 2020


Someone asked me, “Aren’t you worried about the state of the world?” I allowed myself to breathe and then I said, “What is most important is not to allow your anxiety about what happens in the world to fill your heart. If your heart is filled with anxiety, you will get sick, and you will not be able to help.” - Thich Nhat Hanh





How to Beat Coronavirus Capitalism

Superb 95-minute video with Naomi Klein, Astra Taylor, and Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, and a musical performance by Lia Rose. "Moments of profound crisis are moments when we can lose a hell-of-a lot... But moments of crisis can also be moments where we catapult our selves forward because of the unveiling underway... We don't need to stimulate the death economy; we need to catalyze a massive transformation to an economy that is based on protecting life... - people's bailouts, green stimulus programs, a truly just recovery... Rescue for workers, not the corporations." - Klein 



Fossil Bailout Not the Prescription for Canada’s Fiscal Health

Brilliant piece by Paul McKay: "No province deserves funding to buy more shovels with which to dig itself an even deeper hole. Instead, federal funds should serve as a ladder that helps the province diversify its economy and turn towards a low-carbon future that is both inevitable and necessary... This is the ugly reality: Alberta’s tar sands/oil sands now face the same terminal fate as Quebec’s Thetford region asbestos mines, which clung to life for decades under the illusion that more government-funded “shovels” could sustain it in a world that no longer wanted such a dangerous product... So as a matter of due diligence, Ottawa should immediately suspend plans to spend $12 billion or more on the proposed Trans Mountain pipeline."



Bailout for workers and families, not corporations

Giving billions of dollars to failing oil and gas companies will not help workers and only prolongs our reliance on fossil fuels."



PM Trudeau: Save Lives Not Pipelines - Petition

The federal government is about to quietly loan billions of taxpayer dollars to the Trans Mountain pipeline and tanker project -- just when all available funds are needed to respond to the COVID19 pandemic. With oil prices crashing and experts saying they may never recover, the economic case for the Trans Mountain project has totally fallen apart. We can’t afford to waste precious public resources on a failing tar sands pipeline project. Bail out people, not pipelines.

Petition: https://www.leadnow.ca/pm-trudeau-save-lives-not-pipelines/ 

Send a letter to PM Trudeau here: https://act.leadnow.ca/dont-bail-out-big-oil/


COVID-19 crisis is a tipping point. Will we invest in planetary health, or oil and gas? 

Oil and gas companies, lobbyists and the decision makers they have formed relationships with are counting on Canadians being too occupied coping with an ongoing health crisis to register that our country is considering a massive transfer of public funds to support the very industry most likely to cause the next health crisis. And the health crisis after that. And the health crisis after that. This is unacceptable. Climate change must factor into all of our plans.



Tackle climate crisis and poverty with the zeal of the Covid-19 fight

Actions taken to suppress the coronavirus reveal what measures are possible in an emergency. “With Covid-19, everything [on austerity] went out of the window. It turns out austerity was a choice.” After the coronavirus crisis has passed, governments should consider similar plans to redevelop the global economy to adjust to a fossil fuel-free world.



Open Letter: 5 Principles for a #JustRecovery from COVID-19 - Sign the letter

- Put people’s health first, no exceptions. - Provide economic relief directly to the people. - Help our workers and communities, not corporate executives. - Create resilience for future crises. - Build solidarity and community across borders – do not empower authoritarians.






EPA suspends enforcement of environmental laws amid coronavirus

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a sweeping suspension of its enforcement of environmental laws Thursday, telling companies they would not need to meet environmental standards during the coronavirus outbreak. “This EPA statement is essentially a nationwide waiver of environmental rules for the indefinite future. It tells companies across the country that they will not face enforcement even if they emit unlawful air and water pollution in violation of environmental laws, so long as they claim that those failures are in some way 'caused' by the virus pandemic. And it allows them an out on monitoring too, so we may never know how bad the violating pollution was.” 







Coronavirus offers "a blank page for a new beginning" 

The impact of the outbreak will force us into slowing down the pace, refusing to take planes, working from our homes, entertaining only amongst close friends or family, learning to become self-sufficient and mindful. Suddenly the fashion shows look bizarre and out of place, the travel ads that enter our computer space seem invasive and ridiculous, the thought of future projects is vague and inconclusive: will it even matter? Every new day we question each system we have known since birth, and are obliged to consider their possible demise.



The Coronavirus Explained & What You Should Do

8 min. animated video made by doctors. Scientific explanation about the effects of COVID-19 on humans and on health care, and why self-isolation works.  






Tell KKR: Don't invest in the Coastal GasLink pipeline and respect Indigenous rights now!

KKR has plans to purchase 65% of the Coastal GasLink pipeline with Alberta Investment Management Corp (AIMCo). It's is a US-based private equity firm with an atrocious record of putting profits over employees, people, and the environment. Here's what you can do to join the KKR communications blockade and #ShutDownKKR:

Email KKR today by using our easy messaging tool by clicking here. https://actionnetwork.org/letters/messagekkr   

Call KKR by dialing 1-888-593-5407 and following the instructions you hear from us. 

Tweet at @KKR_Co and tell them just how awful they are for ignoring Wet'suwet'en concerns about their rights, the climate, land air and water.


Stop the fracked gas pipeline in Hamilton

Enbridge wants to build a fracked gas pipeline across rural Hamilton, Ontario. We want to stop it. Check out this new 9 min. video from Hamilton 350 



Sign the petition to stop Enbridge's Fracked Gas Pipeline



Sign the petition to phase out Ontario's gas plants






Keep Your Rent: On April 1 we are keeping our rent.

Rent strike resources and tools from Parkdale Organize




PM Trudeau and Premiers: Suspend rent, mortgage and utility payments and ban evictions during COVID-19 - petition



Video petition to cancel rent and mortgages: Add your voice

Rent is due in a few days — and hundreds of thousands of people who’ve lost their jobs to the COVID-19 pandemic simply can’t afford to pay their bills. We’ve created a simple tool to help you record a short video telling your personal story about why it’s so important that renters and homeowners get relief before April 1st. We’ll collect all your videos all into a massive video petition and deliver them right to the Prime Minister and premiers of every province. We need our governments to cancel rent and mortgages for people who can’t afford to pay — like they’re doing in France and Italy.



Toronto rental company puts other landlords to shame with incredible covid-19 supports



ACORN, a national organization of low- and moderate-income families, is advocating for a rent suspension/freeze and more for tenants. See their petition here: 



An Urgent Message for Doug Ford and Steve Clark: Enact legislation stopping the payment of rent on April 1st for all residential tenants in Ontario






Musicians perform in empty venues in Toronto for a 19-concert series in response to the COVID-19 shutdown of music venues.

All concerts are broadcasted live and archived here.



The Top 100 Documentaries We Can Use to Change the World

A more beautiful, just and sustainable world is possible. Take this library and use it to inspire global change!



Caremongering Toronto Facebook page

We are here to collectively seek and offer support, share information and resources, strategize about taking care of each other in the short term, and strengthen our community networks for the long term.






New Push to Fight Biggest Global Killer Of Kids

Roughly 1.35 million people die on the world’s roads each year, and another 20 to 50 million are seriously injured, according to the World Health Organization. 



Dakota access pipeline: court strikes down permits in victory for Standing Rock Sioux

The ruling is a huge victory for the Standing Rock Sioux tribe of North Dakota, which rallied support from across the world and sued the US government in a campaign to stop the environmentally risky pipeline being built on tribal lands.



The Workers Action Centre and 15 and Fairness have been advocating for more protections for workers. See their petition here: 



Keep community and allotment gardens open for food – petition

Community and allotment gardens are not merely recreation sites, they are important ways for low income and marginalized people (particularly Black, Indigenous and people of colour) to grow the food they need to stay healthy.






How to Help those Vulnerable to COVID-19 — Neighbourhood Pods 

Monday, March 30, 6 p.m.

This will be an online training by video that’s easy for you to join, and it’s free. Join to hear an overview from Amara on how to start your own neighbourhood pod, and then Sarah and Progress Toronto’s Saman Tabasinejad will join the conversation on the importance of community support during the COVID-19 crisis. Register to receive the meeting link:



Amara and others have created a toolkit on starting a Neighbourhood Pod. You can see and use the toolkit by clicking here.






Creating a Minimal Waste Kitchen 

Tues. March 31, 6:15 - 7:15 p.m.

Online Workshop 

This workshop will take you through the necessary steps to make your kitchen a more minimal waste one. This includes the process of making lifestyle, habits, and daily routine changes. 






Gender Equity During A Pandemic 

Wed. April 1, 5:30 p.m.

Online Townhall 

In our session, we’ll talk about: - Gendered impacts of COVID-19 - Policy responses so far - How the pandemic has impacted you and your communities - Tools & how to take action






Indigenous Self-Determination and COVID-19

Thursday, April 2, 2 - 3 p.m.

Online Teach-In 

Hosted by FridayForFuture's youth activists, this webinar will discuss how the COVID-19 pandemic and the climate crisis disproportionately impact indigenous communities. 







Pandemics: Lessons Looking Back From 2050 

Thur. April 2, 1:15 - 2:15 p.m.

Imagine, it is the year 2050 and we are looking back to the origin and evolution of the coronavirus pandemic over the last three decades. Extrapolating from recent events, Hazel Henderson, founder of Ethical Markets and Fritjof Capra, founding director of the Berkeley-based Center for Ecoliteracy, offer a compelling scenario for such a view from the future.






Global Climate Strike: Green New Deal, Green New Decade 

Friday, April 3, noon - 4 pm

The Global Climate Strike is going online. Due to the novel COVID-19 virus, Fridays For Future Toronto will be moving our action online. Please join us virtually.

Our demands: Indigenous self determination. Liveable futures for all. Separation of oil and state. Universal public service and infrastructure . A just transition. Defending land, water and life. Justice for migrants and refugees. Zero carbon economy.







For the best Canadian climate and energy news, read and subscribe to the Energy Mix newsletter






Centre for Social Innovation Events






NOW magazine hosts a very comprehensive online events listing





Submissions, subscribes, unsubscribes, and comments: mailto:angela at cleanairalliance.org




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