No Nukes News: Nuclear Colonialism

Angela Bischoff angela at
Wed Jul 15 12:59:30 EDT 2020


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The World
☢ Green New Deals and Nuclear Power: should Nuclear Colonialism be permitted to continue? If we include high costs of new nuclear, the rapid technical advances in renewable energy, the plummeting costs of solar, the risk of more catastrophic accidents after Chernobyl and Fukushima, the increased cancers in children near nuclear facilities and the umbilical connection with nuclear weapons, it is clear there is little justification for including nuclear power in New Green Deals.

☢ Should nuclear energy be part of a Green New Deal? Scroll down to the NO response. Nuclear power is not a good job creator. It is impossible to scale up nuclear power fast enough to reduce emissions at the rate required to meet tight climate targets. And uranium mining and radioactive waste disposal target indigenous lands.

☢ EU countries agree their green transition fund will not pay for nuclear or gas European Union countries agreed that their flagship fund to wean regions off fossil fuels should not finance nuclear or gas projects

☢ Climate Experts Predict 'Grim Future' For Nuclear Power Academics advising the UK government’s nuclear watchdog warn of a climate-invoked disaster. “You can never completely manage all risk. There is going to be residual risk where you might have your very, very extreme events, or where you have unknowns.”

☢ Canada needs a strong nuclear waste policy 95 second video. Canada does not have adequate rules in place to manage non-fuel nuclear waste. The international community has recognized that Canada's policies for managing nuclear waste are inadequate. Sign the petition and send a letter to your MP here.

☢ Sham Regulation of Radioactive Waste in Canada Watch the briefing session for media and MPs. The slideshow from the presentation, the full webinar recording, and all of the resources that were mentioned by the presenters can be found here.   

☢ Lives Matter Along the Ottawa River A group of corporations plan to build a astoundingly large radioactive dump in Chalk River, just up-stream from Ottawa. They also want to build a new generation of mini-nuclear reactors there for use in northern mines, and ship them around the world, leaving the radioactive waste and leftovers in our back yard.

☢ Small modular nuclear reactors distract from real climate solutions After first wasting billions and years on biofuels, then carbon capture and storage, the premiers of Saskatchewan, Ontario and New Brunswick have now pledged their support for small modular reactors (SMRs). But these are just another distraction to shift the focus away from provincial records of increasing emissions. 



☢ It’s time to phase-out Ontario’s gas-fired power plants to help protect our climate 29 groups signed onto this call for the Ontario gov't to phase out our gas-fired power plants rather than ramp them up by 400%

☢ Is Ontario an “innovation wasteland”​ for energy? With the abandonment of renewable energy development efforts, energy efficiency strategies and its re-commitment to nuclear, is Ontario what it’s increasingly been perceived — an innovation wasteland?

☢ Why is Ontario spending billions on nuclear energy when cheap renewables are available? Considering the urgency of the climate crisis, the drastic drop in wind and solar costs over the last five years, and the availability of cheap hydroelectricity, Ontario’s abrupt pivot toward expanding natural gas and unwavering intent to develop an expensive and dangerous nuclear sector is startling.

☢ Group pushes for referendum on South Bruce nuclear waste repository proposal More than 100 vehicles took to the roads through Teeswater, Formosa and Mildmay on June 9 in a traveling protest against the proposed deep geological repository (DGR) for nuclear waste that could be located in South Bruce, Ontario.

☢ Natural Gas As A Bridge Fuel To The Future? Not Anymore For a long time, it was assumed that gas-fired peaker plants would be needed to back up wind and solar power.  But the costs of solar and wind farms have plummeted along with the cost of battery storage, and several US utilities are saying “no thank you” to new gas-fired generation. 



Renewables and Conservation
☼ The US could shift to 90% renewable energy by 2035 at no extra cost A new report shows dramatic benefits for the environment, economy, and public health.

☼ Hydropower Is Now Our Best Bet for Clean Energy With debates over the best clean energy sources to combat climate change, Northwest RiverPartners reminds us that for residents in the rainy Pacific Northwest, the best source of carbon-free energy available in abundance today is still hydropower. 



Take Action 

☢ Phase out Ontario's gas-fired power plants by 2030 Call your MPP and leaders of our four main political parties and tell them it's time to demonstrate climate leadership by phasing out gas-fired power by 2030. Our action tool makes it easy to make the calls.

☢ Sign the petition to phase-out Ontario's gas plants Rather than ramp up GHGs from Ontario's gas plants by 400%, we can power our grid with conservation, water power from QC and made-in-ON green energy at lower cost, lower risk and lower emission. Send a letter to ON's Premier and Party Leaders here.

☢ Stop the giant Hamilton gas pipeline - sign the petition Say no to the proposed Hamilton Pipeline and fracked gas imports from the U.S.

☢ Order your FREE leaflets here calling on the Ford Government to phase out gas plants and immediately dismantle Pickering Nuclear Station after shutdown in 2024. We're coordinating distribution blitzes in Toronto, Pickering and Hamilton. High school students can gain volunteer service hours. Contact angela at for more info.


☢ Leave Uranium In The Ground Global Online Launch of the first Uranium Atlas. Thur. July 16, 1 p.m. EST The Uranium Atlas tells the global story of uranium through maps, graphics and narratives covering every phase of the uranium fuel chain. The victims of global nuclear colonialism are mostly Indigenous peoples whose voices remain unheard. 
☢ Cuba, Chernobyl, and COVID: Film Screening of "A Translator" and Discussion Tues. July 21, 5 p.m. EST Virtual screening of A Translator (Un Traductor) (2018), dir. Rodrigo and Sebastián Barriuso, followed by a moderated post-film discussion. 



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