Greenspiration News & Events: #ClimateElection

Angela Bischoff - OCAA angela at
Mon May 16 01:30:46 EDT 2022





195 ‘Carbon Bombs’ Show Fossils On Track to Shatter 1.5° Target 

The Guardian cites Canada “among the countries with the biggest expansion plans and the highest number of carbon bombs,” as well as some of the highest per capita fossil fuel subsidies. “This is how oil barons are burning millions of lives.” 


$10B Loan Guarantee for Trans Mountain Pipeline is Latest Federal Subsidy

“This is just more evidence that this pipeline is not viable, and that is way past time that the Liberal government allowed this project to be cancelled” 


Lawsuit Targets Ottawa, Equinor Over Bay du Nord Project Approval

Environmental law charity Ecojustice launched a suit in federal court and local opponents staged a rally outside the St. John’s office of Norwegian state fossil Equinor as opposition to the controversial Bay du Nord offshore oil and gas megaproject entered a new stage.


Clean Energy Technology & Disinformation

50 min. webinar recording with Mark Jacobson of Stanford U and the Solutions Project. Participants received accurate information on hydrogen, carbon capture, nuclear, biomass, biofuel, wind, water, solar, storage, electric transportation and clean building systems.  


Doctors Debate: Is nuclear energy just too risky?

Two sets of Canadian doctors square off on the danger of nuclear energy during a time when war rages around nuclear reactors in Ukraine. 







Not One Seat!

If progressive voters work together, we can beat Doug Ford. Join the grassroots movement that is already working hard to make sure that Ford winds #NotOneSeat in Toronto. 


Ontario, we have a climate emergency!

Let's flood the offices of every candidates with thousands of messages they can't ignore. We need immediate commitment to a transformative climate action plan.


Stop the 413

Join our effort to stop eht construction of the proposed new highway crossing our community 


Voters shouldn’t give Ford government a pass on the environment - T.O. Star editorial

The Ford government’s record on environmental issues is terrible and it should be front and centre as voters decide who vote for on June 2. As Jack Gibbons, chair of the Ontario Clean Air Alliance, told the Star: “We’re going totally in the wrong direction.”


Ask Doug Ford where he stands on phasing out gas power by 2030 

Andrea Horwath (NDP), Steven Del Duca (Liberal Party) and Mike Schreiner (Green Party) have all promised to achieve a virtually complete gas power phase-out by 2030. We are still waiting to hear from Doug Ford. Will his stick to his 600% ramp up? Send him a message here. 


It's a #ClimateElection

The EnergyMix has got us covered. 







City Election Training

Progress Toronto is offering seven free trainings and workshops which will provide training on the skills and tools Torontonians need to support municipal candidates in their campaigns to win the municipal election this fall. 





Unbreathable: The Fight for Healthy Air  

May 15 - 25 Streaming free

This new 30 min. doc is a timely, powerful look at fifty years of the Clean Air Act and the challenges we still face to ensure healthy air for everyone. Weaving historical milestones with current day stories of environmental injustice, the film is an excellent tool for educational and community engagement.   





Mobilizing for the Climate Emergency

Mon. May 16, 7 - 8 p.m. ET

Join us in the discussion with Seth Klein on how Canada can respond to the climate emergency where Seth outlines how employment concerns and climate change can be aligned.   It is not an either/or choice. Mobilization to a worldwide pandemic has demonstrated that leadership, joint effort and investment by government, industry, media and citizenry is possible.  In the face of a climate emergency, Seth Klein draws analogies from historical wartime mobilization to retool our economy in the space of a few years, improving health outcomes while reducing social inequality. If not now, when? 





Voices from the Movement w/ Sam Reusch & Habon Ali

Mon. May 16,  7 p.m. ET

Voices from the Movement is a free online series featuring activists, advocates and community leaders who are collectively trying to reboot our democracy's operating system, to be more inclusive, responsive and meaningful. Hosted by Unlock Democracy Canada. 

Full 2021 Schedule:  




Collaborating for Resilience 

Tues. May 17, 1:15 - 2:45 p.m. ET

Drawn from Ann Goodman’s and Nilda Mesa’s new book, "Collaborating for Climate Resilience" (Routledge, 2021), this webinar is designed to spark participants’ thinking—and, eventually, doing—on how to deal with one of the most challenging issues of climate adaptation: collaborating better with partners from disparate fields and walks of life—from cities, states, business, academia, community-based organizations, the military and more—to create real-life solutions to climate change. 





EcoHack-a-City - Climate Resiliency Retrofits for Residential Buildings

Tues. May 17, 5:30 - 7 p.m. ET

Extreme climate-related events are becoming more frequent and the impact on communities and individuals is rising. Cities need to focus on resilience retrofits to help homeowners better prepare their homes and properties for this new climate reality. A panel of experts will provide insight on building resilience and the environmental challenges that need to be tackled so that municipalities can help their communities adapt to a changing climate. 





Exploring Eco-Anxiety in Youth

Tues. May 17, noon - 1 p.m. ET

In this presentation, nurses tackle eco-anxiety and difficult environment-related emotions and their impact on youth. As the most chronologically vulnerable population to climate change, young people's concerns about this issue are increasingly relevant to their mental health and overall well-being. Recognizing that work needs to be done in this area, these speakers will discuss eco-emotion concepts, research, and ways forward from nursing and youth leadership perspectives. 





Parks, Nature, Cities. Connecting to Health and Wellbeing

Tues. May 17, 11 a.m. ET

Named one of the top global wellness trends in 2019, nature prescriptions are being written by healthcare professionals across the planet from the UK to the United States. And rightly so: from improved eyesight and immune function to reduced stress and ADHD symptoms, the evidence is growing about the health benefits of green time. We'll review research highlights from the significant body of knowledge on nature and health, discuss how health is a powerful frame for increasing support for nature-positive policy proposals, and how nature prescribing can improve the health of the planet.





Generous Futures: Destigmatizing Mental Health

Tues. May 17, 1 - 2 p.m. ET

How do we challenge the stigma associated with mental health and move towards greater acceptance? How do disability, poverty, racism and sexual orientation impact access and resourcing? This panel of leaders in the field will discuss these questions and shed light on what has been done and what the future holds. 





A forum on Ontario’s climate future

Wed. May 18, 6 p.m. ET

Hear some tales from the campaign trail from The Narwhal’s Ontario team, then join us for a discussion about the last four years of environmental policy in the province and where we can go from here. Over the past four years, climate and conservation policy have largely been treated as an afterthought as the Progressive Conservative government focused on development and the pandemic. The Narwhal has invited the Progressive Conservatives’ environment minister, David Piccini, and environment critics from the other major parties to discuss successes and missteps since 2018, and how they plan to build a climate consensus over the next term — no matter who wins the June 2 Ontario election. 





Decarbonizing the transportation sector in G20 countries by 2030 

Wed. May 18, 9:30 a.m. ET

Electric vehicle sales have been on a long-term exponential growth curve and have continued to accelerate since 2019. As the internal combustion engine is phased out for passenger and commercial ground transportation, this sector will contribute to a significant new source of electricity demand and is set to undergo significant transformation in the coming years. Join us as we discuss how this critical sector can help close the Say–Do Gap. 





What do municipalities need from Ontario to build more inclusive and just communities?

Wed. May 18, noon ET

Leading up to the provincial election, Social Planning Toronto is hosting this event to highlight the special relationship Ontario Municipalities have with the Province and the importance of this relationship to the community wellbeing. 





Divest From Violence & Reinvest in a Just World

Wed. May 18, 7 p.m. ET

Join CODEPINK, Divest Ed, and World BEYOND War for a training on how to divest from destructive industries, from weapons to fossil fuels, and how to reinvest in the just, peaceful, and green future we want.  





Roe v. Wade: Building cross border solidarity for reproductive rights

Wed. May 18, 7 pm ET

Join us for this public forum to discuss the history of the struggle for abortion rights, who is being denied, and the lessons for the movement today. 





Ontario Election Organizing Call

Thur. May 19, 6:30 p.m. ET

LeadNow is organizing a big day of action to help tilt the scales away from Ford’s Conservatives towards candidates who are prepared to champion a just transition to a climate-safe economy, and transformative policies like a basic income. They have a plan to make a splash in ridings across the province – and they need your help. In this call, they’ll discuss how you can join the effort to elect candidates ready to take on climate change and inequality.





Future Food Distribution and Sustainability

Thur. May 19, noon - 1:30 p.m. ET

This speaker series features leaders and experts recognized for their innovative, inclusive and systems thinking in advancing food security and climate resiliency in Canada and abroad.





Unbreathable: The Fight for Healthy Air – film and forum

Thur. May 19, 9 p.m. ET

Watch the film before the event, and then join the film director/producer Maggie Burnette Stogner from American University, Center for Environmental Film Making, for this Q and A. Hosted by Environmental Health Trust. Health Trust's 2022 Virtual Spring Film Festival. Register for the event and the streaming link. 





International Uranium Film Festival  

May 19 - 29

Online or live at the Modern Art Museum Rio de Janeiro

Nuclear war! The legacy of uranium mining! Is nuclear power a solution against climate change? 





Transport Futures – Provincial Election Transportation Debate

Wed. May 25, 10 am – Noon ET

Innis Town Hall, University of Toronto AND Online

Although the PC Party has declined our invitation to participate, the NDP, Liberals and Greens are keen to answer questions on how they'll solve a range of transport challenges: traffic congestion, multi-modal infrastructure funding, disruptive technologies, goods movement, equity, safety, governance and environmental impacts. Register for an “in-person” or “online” ticket: 





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Democracy Now Daily Show - global peace, justice and enviro news   





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