No Nukes News: Pull the Plug on Subsidies

Angela Bischoff - OCAA angela at
Thu Dec 8 11:41:14 EST 2022


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The World

☢ Nuclear Power Is a Dead End. We Must Abandon It Completely Even given Europe’s energy crisis, the case against nuclear power has never been so conclusive—and so important.

☢ Macron shamed as France caught in 'scandalous' buying of Russian nuclear fuel Russian uranium is still being purchased by European nations, filling Russian President Vladimir Putin's pockets with cash despite his brutal invasion of Ukraine. Russia and Russia-controlled Kazakhstan supply 42% of all uranium worldwide, 20% for the EU, 14% of the US and nearly 30% of their enrichment services. More here.

☢ Choosing nuclear actually makes climate change worse Six excellent fact sheets produced by Beyond Nuclear.

☢ It's All About the Bomb Why civilian nuclear power is merely a cover for producing more nuclear weapons.

☢ Pandora’s Box of Nuclear Progress Why uranium mining, nuclear energy, and atomic bombs are all steps in the path to destruction.

☢ Enrichment and Reprocessing: From Bombs to Reactors and Back Again In this factsheet, Dr. Gordon Edwards addresses uranium, enrichment, plutonium and reprocessing.

☢ SMRs - The More Expensive Energy Alternative 5 min. video with Professor Mark Jacobson. Small Modular (Nuclear) Reactors will be at least 7x more expensive than renewables, and will worsen climate change, weapons proliferation, and radioactive waste.

☢ Pull the plug on Cdn. nuclear subsidies Nuclear subsidies for crown corporations and their private sector corporate allies are crowding out investments in energy conservation and renewable technologies, fueling inflation, and making electricity less affordable.

☢ Don't Nuke the Climate In this 38 min. video, Dr. Gordon Edwards explains why nuclear energy is too slow and too costly to address the climate emergency compared with energy efficiency and renewable energy  – options that are fast, agile, and sustainable, without imposing the burden of radioactive waste, the threat of nuclear weapons proliferation, the potential for nuclear disasters, and the financial burden of cost overruns and radioactive demolition projects.

☢ No legitimate reason to support the controversial nuclear technology planned for New Brunswick Separation of plutonium massively increases risk of proliferation.
☢ Health Implications of re-licencing the Cameco Fuel Manufacturing Plant in Port Hope, ON by Dr. Gordon Edwards, CCNR 




☢ Doug Ford making all the wrong moves with Ontario's electricity sector 13 min. video with Dr. Mark Winfield

☢ Why is Ontario turning its back on low-cost, low-carbon water power from Quebec? Op Ed by Angela Bischoff

☢ Canada Infrastructure Bank gives Ontario Power Generation $970 M low-interest loan to build an SMR Ontario Clean Air Alliance explains why this is a massive waste of taxpayers' dollars.

☢ Extending Pickering nuclear plant dangerous, costly 13 min. video with Dr. Mark Winfield. Learn more here.

☢ Ontario’s risky play on nuke power ON taxpayers are already subsidizing electricity rates at a cost of nearly $7 B/yr. Fortunately, a net-zero grid that phases out both fossil fuel and nuclear generation by mid-century is a viable and economic option, relying on growth in wind and solar, energy storage, and interconnections with Quebec. 



Renewables and Conservation

☼ U.S. Renewable Energy Will Surge Past Coal and Nuclear by Year’s End Wind, solar and hydropower will generate more than 20% of US power supply
☼ How to Donate Solar Panels & Wind Turbines to Ukraine
☼ In France, all large parking lots now have to be covered by solar panels This could generate up to 11 gigawatts, which is the equivalent of 10 nuclear reactors.

☼ EU produces record wind and solar energy as it shirks Russian gas Wind and solar power have made up a record 24% of the European Union’s electricity mix since Russia launched its war on Ukraine, a new report says, a boost that has also helped the bloc battle soaring inflation.
☼ The Great Transformation - The #Disruption of #Energy 20 min. video with Tony Seba 



Take Action

☢ Why should federal taxpayers subsidize an Ontario nuclear reactor? Send a message to Canada’s Minister of Natural Resources insisting on investments in energy efficiency, wind and solar energy, and Quebec waterpower instead of new nuclear.

☢ Extending and rebuilding Pickering Nuclear is a terrible idea Send your message to provincial politicians here.

☢ YES! Experimental nuclear reactors (SMRs) DO need an impact assessment: Speak Out! New Brunswick aims to build an SMR. Tell the feds to impose a full environmental assessment.

☢ Petition to Call for Nuclear Waste to Stay on Site Where it is Produced

☢ We need a safer interim storage for OPG's nuclear wastes: above-ground, attack-resistant, reinforced concrete vaults. Send your message to Premier Ford and Energy Min. Smith here.

☢ Say no to new nuclear in the GTA Tell Ontario's political leaders that you want investments in wind and solar energy, not a new GTA nuclear reactor.

☢ Please make a year-end donation to Ontario Clean Air Alliance We need your support to stop this province from moving steadily backwards with more gas and nuclear while trashing renewables and conservation. Thank you! 



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