Greenspiration News & Events: As Alberta burns...

Angela Bischoff - OCAA angela at
Mon May 22 15:23:44 EDT 2023



Great analysis on the Russian invasion of Ukraine by historian Timothy Snyder


Ecoaction: Environmental impacts of Russia's war on Ukraine  


Russian forces dig in at Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant, await Ukrainian offensive

Nuclear is a risk in an unstable world.


Dark Arts

How are authoritarians using artificial intelligence for political repression?


False Climate Solutions: The Destructive Cycle of Nuclear Power in Alaska

>From Uranium Mining to Power Generation to Weapons Testing and Nuclear Waste - recording


Tritium and the U.S. Nuclear Power Sector

What is tritium? Why is it harmful? What damage can it do in our environment and how does it get into the food chain and into our bodies? This webinar addresses the threats from dumping huge amounts of tritium (radioactive hydrogen) from the nuclear power and nuclear weapons sectors into our environment both as radioactive vapor and effluent. 


No Miracles Needed - Enviro Close-Up

In this video interview, Dr. Mark Jacobson illustrates how we can “solve the climate crisis, and at the same time eliminate air pollution and safely secure energy supplies for all" using “existing technologies to harness, store and transmit energy from wind, water, and solar sources to ensure reliable electricity and heat supplies.” And he discusses “which technologies are not needed” —natural gas, carbon capture, and nuclear energy.


Stop Funding Fossil Fuels: Tell Trudeau and Cabinet

The fossil fuel industry is raking in record profits while we foot the bill for climate chaos with billions of our tax dollars. It’s time for Canada to end all public funding to Big Oil. 


Let Minister Wilkinson know that funding for low-income energy efficiency should be a central part of the Green Buildings Strategy.


Stop Foreign Interference in Canadian Politics

A Democracy Watch campaign tool. Send your letter to MPs here. 


As Alberta burns, we need a political vision to extinguish the flames

While food bank usage in the province has skyrocketed to the highest level ever, fossil fuel corporations have more than doubled their profits over the last year. And while the Alberta government could tax Big Oil’s excess profits and use the funds to cover the costs of the devastation they’ve caused, the idea has yet to penetrate the political mainstream.


Olivia Chow — Our Progressive Toronto Mayoral Candidate







Ontario Place Rally

Mon. May 22, 1 - 4 p.m. ET

Trillium Park

Ontario Place must be for ALL and kept publicly accessible. 


What Does the Future Hold For Ontario Place? | The Agenda 


12 reasons for not removing the Ontario Science Centre from Don Mills 





Climate Crisis: Voices of Protection

Mon. May 22, 2 p.m. ET

On the U.S. Gulf Coast, communities are fighting planned fossil fuel mega-projects that threaten to destroy their local environment – while pushing the world closer to climate breakdown. By senAsing into specific struggles in Louisiana and Texas, we explore how developing a greater awareness of our interconnectedness in the face of the climate crisis can empower meaningful action. 





Reportback: Zaporizhzhia Protection Project

Mon. May 22, 7 p.m. ET

In April, Claire Schaeffer-Duffy traveled to Ukraine with a small, exploratory team for the Zaporizhzhia Protection Project (ZPP). This innovative peace initiative seeks to engage unarmed civilians in the protection of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant which is the largest nuclear power plant in Europe. The facility sits on the frontlines of the Ukrainian war, and its shelling has been source of international concern. The ZPP team met with Ukrainian civilians to ask them about non-military means for protecting the power plant and preventing a regional catastrophe. 





Olivia Chow Campaign Kick-off 

Tues. May 23, 7 - 9 p.m.

Bloor St. Campaign Office

394 Bloor St W, Toronto

Join Olivia with special guests as we officially open our second campaign office, on Bloor St! Help us warm the space, welcome volunteers and community members and have some fun.





Home Retrofits - the basics and beyond

Tues. May 23, 7:30 p.m. ET

Join MPP Tabuns for a presentation on home retrofits, based on the nationally acclaimed Toronto-Danforth "Pocket Change" model - learn about that initiative, current updates, what else is happening in Toronto and beyond, and next steps. 





Learn to Build Permaculture Gadgets

Tuesdays @ 9 p.m. ET

May 23 - Rain Barrels

May 30 - Water Filters

June 6 - Worm Bins

June 13 - Compost Tea Brewer

June 20 - Heating and Cooling Devices

Permaculture Gadgets is an online DIY space for anyone desiring to learn how to build simple, home-scale permaculture devices. Instructor Charles Williams will walk you through a step-by-step construction process. For Charles, tinkering and building are acts of joy. He facilitates these sessions in a relaxed atmosphere where questions are encouraged, problem-solving is celebrated, and all skill levels are welcome. This series is a collection of five standalone sessions. Feel free to take one, take them all, or mix and match.  Special: Each session is $20 purchase all 5 sessions for $80.





Mayoral Candidates Debate - Scarborough Issues 

Wed. May 24, 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. ET

University of Toronto Scarborough, in the Academic Resource Centre - AC223 1265 Military Trail

Toronto 2023 mayoral candidates will share their vision for addressing issues facing the city, with a particular focus on Scarborough. 





Communities, Not Corporations: Transition for People and the Planet

Wed. May 24, 7 p.m. ET

Canada’s transition away from fossil fuels needs to be a process that benefits workers, communities, and the climate. While the “Interim Sustainable Jobs Plan” is a step in the right direction, there are also notable absences and loopholes that will solely benefit fossil fuel companies and the ultra wealthy. Join the Council of Canadians for a webinar series on combatting false solutions to climate change. 





Off the Hill: Labour in high gear for action and change

Wed. May 24, 7:30 pm ET

Recent months have seen significant activity in Canada’s labour movement — including a public service strike, actions against austerity across the country, and the CLC convention in Montreal. This month,’s Off the Hill political panel takes a dive into recent developments and what’s next for the labour movement in Canada. 





Radioactive Waste Policy Review Roundup

Thur. May 25, 7:30 pm ET

Join Nuclear Waste Watch for an online debrief and roundup on the Radioactive Waste Policy Review and its outcome, Canada's Policy for Radioactive Waste and Decommissioning (the Policy, March 2023).  





Mayoral By-Election Debate

Thur. May 25, 7 p.m. ET

Debate hosted by Toronto Region Board of Trade. It will be live broadcast on TVO's The Agenda.





What Do Canadians Really Think About Climate Change?

Thur. May 25, noon ET

This 75-minute webinar features findings from Re.Climate's annual report "What Do Canadians Really Think About Climate Change?" which summarizes and translates major public and private surveys published between 2022 and early 2023, and includes key trends, recommendations for communicators, and a discussion on communicating climate and energy in Canada today. 





Emissions Cap Day of Action

Thur. May 25

At Liberal MP offices around the country

Join the day of action to go all-in for a Bold Emissions Cap that delivers the climate action we need. It’s time to hold Big Oil accountable for their own pollution. And with just weeks until the Emissions Cap policy is released, we're launching a massive wave of actions across the country to call on key Liberal MPs to up their climate ambition. Find a rally in your community here:





Climate Town Hall: Meeting the Energy Needs of Electric Transportation

Thur. May 25, 7 - 9 p.m. ET

Bishop Marrocco Thomas Merton Catholic SS, 1515 Bloor St W. Toronto

Join MP Arif Virani and panelists from the Energy & EV sectors for a discussion on the increasing requirements and infrastructure needs to create a viable, sustainable energy grid, which will support the evolution to electrified vehicles.





For the best Canadian climate and energy news, visit and subscribe to the Energy Mix newsletter  


Democracy Now Daily Show - global peace, justice and enviro news 





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