Greenspiration News & Events: solar power surge

Angela Bischoff - OCAA angela at
Mon Oct 23 10:10:56 EDT 2023


Five charts to help understand Canada's record-breaking wildfire season


John Vaillant Testifies About Climate Fire Threat Facing Canada 

The oil industry is a fire industry. It is a CO2 industry. It is a climate changing industry. Big Oil knew the threat of fossil fuel burning and suppressed the evidence. The result is staggering levels of climate fire. 

5 min. video: 



Methane madness

Canada's methane leaks pack a 20-year climate punch equal to five tonnes of CO2 per Canadian. That's more than from our cars, trucks, SUVs and homes combined. Methane's short-and-fast heating acts like climate napalm in the first decade or two.


Astounding Surge in US Solar Investment and Construction

Solar is the big winner, nuclear the big loser, with storage coming on strong.


These Two Myths About Solar Power Are Slowing the Energy Transition

Experts from Colorado have busted two of the most widespread myths about solar panels on social media and in the mass media: waste and toxicity.  


Is nuclear a climate option?

The Ontario Government is on a nuclear spending spree, extending and rebuilding old reactors and planning to build up to 8 new nuclear reactors (at Bruce and Darlington). Is nuclear power compatible with a long-term sustainable energy future for Ontario? Watch the recording of the webinar.


Dr. Gordon Edwards, President of the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility, discusses why he believes nuclear energy is not the answer to climate change, and why producing small nuclear modular reactors for export could be dangerous, especially in times of war. 28 min. interview.


Pope Francis’ new Apostolic Exhortation: Laudate Deum

The Pope observes that “the necessary transition towards clean energy sources such as wind and solar energy, and the abandonment of fossil fuels, is not progressing at the necessary speed.” Watch the launch event in which the new exhortation was presented by scientists, religious and lay people including Bill McKibbon.  


Why Ontario should embrace renewables and close down gas plants

If we care about saving money — not to mention saving the planet — we must insist that Ontario be powered by wind, water and sun in short order.


Send a message to Ontario MPPs here to invest in wind/water/solar/conservation rather than gas and nukes


MPs: call for an Immediate ceasefire between Israel and Palestine


Shut Up About NATO Expansion


Ontario wants to eliminate critical freshwater protections to speed up construction projects


Future generations call out to us to have courage

There can be no greater purpose than to work together to save the future of the human race. We have the opportunity to live lives of great purpose. Love yourself. Love others. Love nature.





Can we reduce inevitable exposures to chemicals of concern?

Wed. Oct. 25, 3 - 4 p.m. ET

Populations are inevitably and inequitably exposed to chemicals of concern, where exposures have been linked to population-wide adverse health effects. Miriam L. Diamond, PhD will present four reasons for, and offer five solutions to redress this failure of chemicals management, ranging from promoting hazard and not risk assessment, to putting a hard cap on chemical production. 





Pathways Day

Wed. Oct. 25, 10 am - 3 pm ET

Multi-Faith Centre, 569 Spadina Avenue, Toronto

This event is aimed at introducing students to their possible pathways in the environmental sector after graduating. With exhibitors ranging from graduate programs, environmental organizations, NGOs, student groups and more, this event gives students the opportunity to network and chat with representatives from a variety of environmental sectors. The event also includes a series of panels and workshops for students to take part in. 





Equitable Housing: Exploring solutions for Canada’s housing challenges

Thur. Oct. 26, 10 p.m. ET

Join The Walrus Talks in Vancouver, or online, to learn about possible solutions to Canada’s housing crisis and how they can lead us in the right direction. 





Finding Purpose, Nourishment, and Solidarity in the Age of Climate Crisis

Thur. Oct. 26, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. ET

Department of Earth Sciences, 22 Russell Street ES 1050, , 5 Bancroft, University of Toronto

A growing number of young people are struggling with big choices in a warming world, including whether or not to have children. Yet much of that struggle is happening in private, potentially making young folks feel alone and isolated with their anxiety. Join us for a screening of “The Climate Baby Dilemma”, featuring young people publicly wrestling with the ethics of whether or not to bring a child into this rapidly changing world. 





Degrowth for a New Generation

Thur. Oct. 26, 1 p.m. ET

Together we will explore what degrowth is (and isn’t), how people are embracing the concept of degrowth, what needs to happen to move degrowth from classrooms to boardrooms and staterooms, and how to confront powerful people and institutions who are trying to keep us pinned to the ruinous growth paradigm.  





Doughnut for Urban Development (Manual): Online launch webinar

Thurs. Oct. 26, 11 a.m. - noon ET

Join us to unpack the findings, core concepts and the toolkit for implementation in urban developments. 





Rendezvous with Madness Festival

Oct. 27 - Nov. 5

In person (Toronto) and online

Rendezvous with Madness is the first and largest arts and mental health festival in the world. Using art as the entry point to illuminate and investigate the realities and mythologies surrounding mental illness and addiction, Rendezvous With Madness spotlights the human capacity for endurance in the face of great challenges. This year’s tagline “Mind the Gaps” considers gaps in infrastructure and the systematic “cracks” people, particularly those with lived experience of mental health and addiction, fall through. It is a call to think through what is missing and how things could be better. 





Multifaith Vigil

Sun. Oct. 29, 3 - 3:30 p.m. ET

Withrow Park, north end, outside the clubhouse, Toronto

Please join us for a Multifaith vigil, organized by the East Toronto Multifaith Community. This vigil will provide us with the opportunity to come together to grieve as people from our different faith communities. This will be an apolitical vigil, with Jewish, Muslim, Christian and Unitarian faith leaders offering us prayer and words of comfort during this shared time of tragedy. 





Beyond Net Zero In-Person Symposium

Mon. Oct.30, 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Centennial College, Progress Campus, Scarborough

Our symposium will include several keynote presenters as well as panels of green energy experts who will equip you for the new and rapidly growing in our sustainable energy sector. 





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Democracy Now Daily Show - global peace, justice and enviro news 





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