[homeles_ot-l] Fwd: [odspaction-on] Questions needed for televised Forums on Poverty

Terrie mocharebyl at gmail.com
Thu Sep 20 21:39:48 EDT 2007

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From: odspaction-on at povnet.org <odspaction-on at povnet.org>
Date: 20 Sep 2007 17:37
Subject: [odspaction-on] Questions needed for televised Forums on Poverty
To: awillats at sympatico.ca, e-left at socialjustice.org,
jacquiema at fsatoronto.com, laurelro at fsatoronto.com, odspaction-on at povnet.org,
onr-announce at list.web.net, tdrc at tdrc.net
Cc: Jennefer Laidley <laidleyj at lao.on.ca>

 *Get your questions in! Televised Forum**s* *on Poverty and Housing*

The Toronto Star and Rogers TV are broadcasting a series of forums across
the province in early October  - and they are looking for questions and
comments from the general public.

We all know that a necessary first step to poverty reduction is for
governments to commit to a comprehensive approach, and to work to eradicate
the poverty of singles as well as families and people on social assistance
as well as the working poor. Your comments can help shape the debate during
the election campaign and press the parties for their commitment to a
resolution to poverty.

ISAC has posted a number of fact sheets and election questions on our
website at
http://www.incomesecurity.org/campaigns/ISACElectionMaterials.html. Please
feel free to use them for ideas of questions to forward to the Toronto

More information on the forums and how to email your questions is below:


*From the Toronto Star's website:*

Thousands of children live on the margins in this city. Virtually everyone
agrees that something needs to be done, but what?

This is your chance to speak out and "ask
want to use your questions or comments in a special series of Toronto
Star/Rogers TV programs on some of the toughest issues in our city. The Star
is teaming up with Rogers for a series of televised forums on three
important subjects:

*Child poverty: *Are governments doing enough? What is the role of the
school system in helping disadvantaged children?

*Assisted housing:* How to avoid U.S.-style "projects"? What's the fairest
way to house needy families?

*Public funding for religious schools:* Is it an issue of basic fairness?
Will it further undermine the public school system?

*Star* columnist Antonia Zerbisias will moderate a panel of poverty experts,
politicians and *Star* journalists.

Your questions or comments could be used on one of these programs, which
will be broadcast in early October.

*Send us your questions or
Tuesday, Sept. 25. Please keep them to 25 words or less.


Dana Milne
Provincial Organizer
Income Security Advocacy Centre
425 Adelaide St. W., 5th Floor
Toronto, ON M5V 3C1
Tel: 416-597-5820, ext. 5151
Toll-free: 1-866-245-4072

Fax: 416-597-5821
Email: milned at lao.on.ca
Website: www.incomesecurity.org

Terrie ( mocharebyl at gmail.com )
"If you see an injustice being committed, you aren't an observer, you are a
participant." June Callwood
Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
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