[homeles_ot-l] City Budget - ATEH - in the news

Lynne Browne lbrowne at ysb.on.ca
Wed Dec 3 14:53:48 EST 2008

Hello all,


Keep an eye/ear on the City Budget news because this morning The Alliance to End Homelessness held a very well attended press conference just before Marion Wright, our Vice Chair, asked Council not to defer budget spending that impacts on affordable housing and homeless people. 


She was joined by several Councillors - Alex Cullen, Peggy Feltmate, Diane Holmes, and Peter Hume - who spoke with the media in support. We will let you know what Council votes to do on this as Budget deliberations come to an end. 




"At this time of economic turmoil, and, as a recession begins, we call on you to be fiscally responsible. Do not defer budget spending that impacts on affordable housing and homeless people and keep the city's affordable housing commitment of 500 new units each year. Every dollar invested in housing creates two dollars in additional economic activity, and influences/induces as much as seven additional dollars in economic activity. Few investments offer a 2 for 1 return. Clearly, a recession is a time when the city, the province and the federal government need to build affordable housing as a key infrastructure investment."


1.	Keep the $1,750,000. for the Tenant Resource Centre and housing support workers in the 2009 Budget. This is money that will help keep individuals and families housed in an economic downturn and help them avoid becoming homeless. This is a fiscally responsible budget item that recognizes people on low incomes will be facing severe challenges in a recession. In 2007, 864 households at imminent risk of losing their housing were among the 9,567 households helped to remain housed in Ottawa.
2.	Keep the $1,000,000 to convert up to 100 existing subsidized social housing units into targeted supportive housing for people with mental illnesses and addictions in the Budget. In slightly less than 3 years this one budget line covers off costs of keeping 100 chronically homeless people in shelters.

3.	Keep $500,000. for 3rd year of 10-year Community Funding Sustainability plan in the Budget to assist the 107 health, recreation and social service organizations meet current budget pressures, among them the Day Programs helping the homeless and those at risk of homelessness.

The full presentation is attached and you are welcome to use and share it.



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