[homeles_ot-l] FW: INvite to Ottawa workshop "Colour of POverty"Jan 24

Lynne Browne lbrowne at ysb.on.ca
Thu Jan 10 13:05:57 EST 2008

FYI, with thanks to Dominique Paris-MacKay.

Lynne Browne 
Coordinator, Alliance to End Homelessness 
147 Besserer Street, Ottawa ON  K1N 6A7 
613-241-7913 x 205, lbrowne at ysb.on.ca 


FYI-Ottawa Campaign 2000 partners & friends-

You are invited, and please share in your local networks:

The Colour of Poverty Workshop
5:30 pm to 8:30 pm, Thursday, January 24, 1st floor, 219 Argyle
Ottawa, Ontario 
Facilitator: Michael Kerr 

The Colour of Poverty Campaign works to build community capacity to address
the growing racialization of poverty and the resulting increased levels of
social exclusion and marginalization of racialized communities in Ontario.
Many organizations and groups have come together to support this initiative:
African Canadian Legal Clinic, Canadian Arab Federation, Chinese Canadian
National Council Toronto Chapter, Hispanic Development Council, Karuna
Community Services, Midaynta Community Services, Ontario Council of Agencies
Serving Immigrants, and the South Asian Legal Clinic of Ontario (SALCO). 
For more information see below and visit: HYPERLINK

This event is sponsored by Local Agencies Serving Immigrations and Making
Ottawa Safe Together (MOST) with support from the United Way.
The Colour of Poverty Initiative receives funding from the Department of
Canadian Heritage. 
RSVP by email by January 21. Thank you!
yew.lee at sympatico.ca

I look forward to seeing everyone soon.
Yew Lee

Communique from the Department of Canadian Heritage

Poverty in Ontario is growing at an alarming rate. On September 5, 2007 the
Colour of Justice Network announced the launching of the Colour of Poverty
Campaign - a province-wide community-based effort to help raise public
awareness about the serious problem of poverty within the racialized
communities of Ontario. 

With the Department of Canadian Heritage as a key sponsor, the Colour of
Poverty Campaign partners have developed a series of ten ( 10 ) Fact Sheets
addressing different aspects of racialized poverty and its negative impacts
on education & learning, health & well-being, employment, income levels,
justice and policing, immigration and settlement, housing and homelessness
and food security in Ontario. 

"We call this the Colour of Poverty Campaign because today in Ontario, those
who are poor are most likely to be people of colour. While there has been
increasing awareness among the general public about the growing disparity
between the rich and the poor, few people realize that poverty in this
province impacts communities differently," said Avvy Go, Clinic Director of
Metro Toronto Chinese & Southeast Asian Legal Clinic (MTCSEALC). 

"Racialized communities are experiencing a disproportionate level of
poverty. In Toronto, they are three times more likely to be poor than others
because of the barriers and challenges they face in the job market"
explained Grace-Edward Galabuzi, a professor at Ryerson University and the
author of Canada's Economic Apartheid – The Social Exclusion of Racialized
Groups in the New Century. 

In addition to the MTCSEALC, the project is a joint effort of several
organizations and groups including : African Canadian Legal Clinic, Canadian
Arab Federation, Chinese Canadian National Council Toronto Chapter, Hispanic
Development Council, Karuna Community Services, Midaynta Community Services,
Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants, and the South Asian Legal
Clinic of Ontario (SALCO). 

"It is important to understand the connection between race and poverty if we
are to launch a comprehensive strategy to reduce poverty levels in this
country, especially in urban centres that are as diverse as the GTA. If we
comprehend the causes of poverty, our solutions will be appropriately
systemic and not just causal," said Uzma Shakir, Executive Director of

Along with the launching of the fact sheets, a new video on Race and Poverty
in Ontario has been created as an educational tool, presenting compelling
stories of individuals and families from racialized communities living in
poverty and the daily struggles they face. 

Check out the website for ten fact sheets. 

Jacquie Maund

Coordinator Social Reform/Ontario Campaign 2000

Family Service Association

Tel 416-595-9230 x241

Fax 416-595-0242

HYPERLINK "mailto:jacquiema at fsatoronto.com"jacquiema at fsatoronto.com

HYPERLINK "http://www.campaign2000.ca"www.campaign2000.ca 

HYPERLINK "http://www.fsatoronto.com"www.fsatoronto.com


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