[homeles_ot-l] Fwd: Please sign the petition for a national poverty plan

Terrie mocharebyl at gmail.com
Thu Jul 31 17:31:39 EDT 2008

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rob Rainer <rob at napo-onap.ca>
Date: Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 4:02 PM
Subject: Please sign the petition for a national poverty plan
To: Rob Rainer <rob at napo-onap.ca>

 The National Anti-Poverty Organization (NAPO) is non-partisan and therefore
does not support or endorse any political party, politician or candidate for
elected office.  We will from time to time, however, commend a party,
politician or candidate for elected office for anti-poverty initiatives, or
relay information about such initiatives.

New Democrat MP Tony Martin is a member of the House HUMA Committee holding
timely hearings into the federal role in addressing poverty in Canada.  Mr.
Martin and his party are calling for a national poverty plan for Canada.
This supports what NAPO and other organizations and networks (e.g., Campaign
2000) have been calling for for some time.  A national plan could/should
help (re)assert federal leadership on this issue, without which it will be
difficult to make deep and lasting progress.  It also would optimally serve
to reinforce federal support of provincial/territorial anti-poverty plans
such as exist in Quebec and Newfoundland and Labrador, and that are expected
to emerge in the coming months for some other provinces (e.g., Ontario, Nova

Mr. Martin has initiated a petition calling on the federal government to
introduce a national poverty plan.  NAPO encourages you individually and
(where applicable) on behalf of your organization to add your name to this
petition.  Please see the information below with links to the petition in
English and French.

Rob Rainer
Executive Director/directeur général
National Anti-Poverty Organization / l'Organisation nationale anti-pauvreté
1 Nicholas St., Suite 1210,
Ottawa ON K1N 7B7 Canada
tél 613.789.0096; toll free/sans frais 1.800.810.1076;
fax 613.244-5777
rob at napo-onap.ca

Everybody should be guaranteed a decent basic income. A rich country...can
well afford to keep everybody out of poverty.
*John Kenneth Galbraith**


*Sign the National Poverty Plan Petition!  Le Canada a besoin d'un plan
From Tony Martin, Federal NDP Poverty Critic


As many of you know, momentum is building for a national poverty plan for
I am circulating a petition calling on the government to introduce a
national poverty plan,
noting the all-party support for the current Parliamentary Committee
hearings on the
federal role for a poverty-reduction strategy. Your message will go to the
Minister, HRDC Minister Solberg and the 12 MPs on the committee. I invite
you to sign
the petition at this link and encourage you to circulate the news about the
petition among
your networks, colleagues and friends.


*Signez la pétition pour un plan antipauvreté national!*


Comme vous le savez peut-être, le mouvement s'amplifie en faveur d'un plan
antipauvreté au Canada. Je fais circuler une pétition demandant au
gouvernement de déposer un plan antipauvreté national, en soulignant que
tous les partis sont favorables aux audiences du comité parlementaire sur le
rôle du gouvernement fédéral dans une stratégie de réduction de la pauvreté.
Votre message parviendra au premier ministre, au ministre Solberg, du
Développement des ressources humaines, et aux 12 députés membres du comité.
Je vous invite à signer la pétition affichée sur ce lien et je vous
encourage à la faire circuler dans votre réseau de collègues, parents et



*Rick Prashaw*
Legislative Assistant
*Tony Martin MP (NDP - Sault Ste. Marie)*
Social Policy Critic
Tel: (613) 992-8851     Fax: (613) 992-1954  www.tonymartin.ca

CEP 232

Terrie ( mocharebyl at gmail.com )
"If you see an injustice being committed, you aren't an observer, you are a
participant." June Callwood
Prejudice is a burden that confuses the past, threatens the future and
renders the present inaccessible. Maya Angelou
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