[homeles_ot-l] FW: LESCO job posting/ CSEBO affichage de poste

Worsfold, Nancy Nancy.Worsfold at ottawa.ca
Fri Mar 14 13:50:55 EDT 2008

-----Original Message-----
From: Kathleen Vardon [mailto:mcbv at bellnet.ca]
Sent: March 14, 2008 12:21 PM
To: Gnarowski, Franceska; yarlie at action-logement.ca; 'Sandra Pilote'; 'Sylvie Leclerc'; 'Anne-Marie Deneault'; 'Linda Boudreault'; Nicole_Rheaume at och.ca; Worsfold, Nancy; Laver, Marianne L (Police)
Subject: LESCO job posting/ CSEBO affichage de poste

As discussed, attached is the job posting for LESCO's Program Coordinator.
Please distribute and post.
Thank you,
Kathleen Vardon
Lowertown Good Neighbours Community House
Tel que discuté, ci attaché  l'offfre d'emploi pour le poste de Coordonnateur-trice de programme du C.S.E.B.O.
S'il vous plaît, distribuer et afficher.
Kathleen Vardon
Maison communautaire du bon voisinage de la Basse-Ville

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Name: LESCO_ Program Coordinator Job posting_ March 2008.doc
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Desc: LESCO_ Program Coordinator Job posting_ March 2008.doc
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Name: CSEBO_ Coordonnateur-trice de programme_offre emploi_mars	2008.doc
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Desc: LESCO_Program Coordinator_jod description.doc
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	emploi .doc
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