[homeles_ot-l] A Detailed Selection of Reference Readings on The Political Economy of Inequality and Health Related Inequities.

lj1967 at sympatico.ca lj1967 at sympatico.ca
Thu Mar 27 21:29:44 EDT 2008

Selected  References  & Readings  on  The  Political Economy of  Inequality and Health Related Inequities.

Ooh Canada Is Economic Policy Health Policy? 


What about healthy housing and basic Life needs 

for the ailing vulnerable?


Acheson, Donald. Independent Inquiry into Inequalities in Health. London: The Stationery Office, 1998. Available from the Publications Centre, PO Box 276, London SW8 5DT.

Ackerman, Frank, et al. The Political Economy of Inequality. Washington, DC: Island Press, 1999. 

Adams, L., M. Amos, and J. Munro eds. Promoting Health Health: Politics, Policy, and Practice. London: Sage, 2002. 

Adler, Nancy E., Michael Marmot, Bruce S. McEwen, and Judith Stewart. (eds.) Socioeconomic Status and Health in Industrial Nations: Social, Psychological, and Biological Pathways. New York: New York Academy of Sciences, 1999.

Agren, Gunnar. Sweden's New Public Health Policy: National Public Health Objectives for Sweden. Stockholm: Swedish National Institute of Public Health, 2003.

Amick, Benjamin C., S. Levine, A.R. Tarlov, and D.C. Walsh (eds.) Society and Health. New York: Oxford University Press, 1995.

Anand, Peter S. and A. Sen (eds) Public Health, Ethics, and Equity. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001.

Anderson, Laurie, Carolyn Shinn, and Joseph St. Charles. "Community Interventions to Promote Healthy Social Environments: Early Childhood Development and Family Housing" 51 (RR1) MMWR Recommendations and Reports (February 1, 2002): 1-8.Arizona Public Health Association.  Living and Dying in Arizona: A Profile of Arizona's People and Their Health Needs. An Arizona Public Health Association Health Status Report for Arizona. Phoenix, 1999.

Armstrong, H., P Armstrong, and David Coburn (eds.) Unhealthy Times: The Political Economy of Health and Health Care in Canada. Oxford University Press, 2001.Arno, Peter S., and Janis Barry Figueroa.

"The Social and Economic Determinants of Health" in Unconventional Wisdom: Alternative Perspectives on the New Economy, Jeff Madrick ed. New York: The Century Foundation Press, 2000.

Asada, Yukiko and Thomas Hedemann. "A Problem with the Individual Approach in the WHO Health Inequality Measurement," 1 International Journal for Equity in Health (2002): 2.


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Auerbach, James A., Barbara Kivimae Krimgold, and Bonnie Lefkowitz. Improving Health: It Doesn't Take A Revolution. Washington, DC: National Policy Association/Academy for Health Services Research and Health Policy, 2000.

Barnes, Ruth and Alex Scott-Samuel. "Health Impact Assessment and Inequalities," 11(5) Pan American Journal of Public Health (2002): 449-453.

Barlow, Maude and Campbell, Bruce . Straight through the Heart: How the Liberals Abandoned the Just Society.  Toronto: Harper Collins, 1995.

Bartley, Mel. Health Inequality: An Introduction to Theories, Concepts, and Methods. London: Polity Press, 2003.

Bartley, Mel, David Blane, and George Davey-Smith. The Sociology of Health Inequalities. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1999.

Bartley, Mel, and D. Blane, and S. Montgomery, "Health and the Life Course: Why Safety Nets Matter" 314 British Medical Journal (1997): 1194-1196.

Bashir, Samiya A. "Home is Where the Harm is: Inadequate Housing as a Public Health Crisis." 92(5) American Journal of Public Health (May, 2002): 733-738.

Baum, F. "Health, Equity, Justice and Globalization: Some Lessons From the People's Health Assembly."55(9) Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health (2001): 613-616.

Beaglehole, Robert ed. Global Public Health: A New Era. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003.

Beaglehole, Robert, Ruth Bonita, Richard Horton, Orvill Adams, and Martin McKee. "Public Health in the New Era: Improving Health Through Collective Action" 363 The Lancet (June 19, 2004): 2084-2086.

Beaglehole, Robert and Ruth Bonita. Public Health at the Crossroads: Achievements and Prospects. Auckland, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1997.

Beauchamp, Dan E. "Public Health as Social Justice" 8 Inquiry (1976): 3-14.

Bezruchka, Stephen. "Is Our Society Making You Sick?" Newsweek (February 26, 2001): 14.Birn, Anne-Emanuelle. "Gate's Grandest Challenge: Transcending Technology as Public Health Ideology." Published online, http://image.thelancet.com/extras/04art6429web.pdf (March 11, 2005).

Black, Douglas, J.N. Morris, C. Smith, and Margaret Whitehead. Inequalities in Health. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1992.Blane, David et al. Health and Social Organization: Towards a Health Policy for the 21stCentury. London: Routledge, 1996.

Bolaria, B. Singh and Rosemary Bolaria. Racial Minorities, Medicine and Health. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Fernwood Publishing, 1994.


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 Boufford, Jo Ivey and Phillip R. Lee. Health Policies for the 21st Century: Challenges and Recommendations for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. New York: Milbank Memorial Fund, September, 2001.

Braveman, Paula and Sofia Gruskin, "Poverty, Equity, Health and Human Rights" 81(7) Bulletin of the World Health Organization (2003): 539-545.

Braveman, Paula. "Monitoring Equity in Health and Healthcare: A Conceptual Framework," 21(3) Journal of Health, Population, and Nutrition (September, 2003): 181-92.

Braveman, Paula and Eleuther Tarimo "Social Inequalities in Health Within Countries: Not Only an Issue for Affluent Nations," 54(11) Social Science & Medicine (June, 2002): 1621-1635.

Braveman, Paula, Barbara Starfield and Jack Geiger. "World Health Report 2000: How it Removes Equity from the Agenda for Public Health Monitoring and Policy" 323 British Medical Journal (September 22, 2001): 678-681.

Braveman, Paula, Nancy Krieger, and James Lynch. "Health Inequalities and Social Inequalities in Health." 78(2) Bulletin of the World Health Organization (2000): 232-234.

Brink, Satya and Allen Zeesman. Measuring Social Well-Being: An Index of Social Health for Canada. R-97-9E. Hull, Quebec, Canada: Applied Research Branch, Strategic Policy, Human Resources Development Canada (June, 1997).

Bull, Julie and Lucy Hamer. Closing the Gap: Setting Local Targets to Reduce Health Inequities. A Briefing Paper. London: Health Development Agency, 2001.

Byrd, Michael and L.A. Clayton. An American Health Dilemma. Volume 1. A Medical History of African Americans and the Problem of Race: Beginnings to 1900. New York: Routledge, 2000.

Byrd, Michael and L.A. Clayton. An American Health Dilemma. Volume 2. Race, Medicine, and Health Care in the United States: From 1900 to the Dawn of the New Millennium. New York: Routledge, 2002.Callinicos, Alex. Equality. London: Polity Press, 2000.

Calman, K.C. "Equity, Poverty, and Health for All" 314 British Medical Journal (1997): 1187-1191.Carlisle, Sandra "Health Promotion, Advocacy and Health Inequalities: a Conceptual Framework" 15(4) Health Promotion International (2000): 369-376.

Carroll, G. "Mundane Extreme Environmental Stress and African American Families: A Case For Recognizing Different Realities" 29 Journal of Comparative Family Studies (1998): 271-84.


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Carter-Pokras, Olivia. "What Is a 'Health Disparity,'" 117 Public Health Reports (September-October, 2002): 426-434.Chang, W-C. "The Meaning and Goals of Equity in Health."56 Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health (2002): 488-491.

Chernomas, Robert. "The Social and Economic Causes of Disease." Manitoba: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (March, 1999). ISBN: 0-88627-953-4.Coburn, David. "Beyond the Income Inequality Hypothesis: Class, Neo-liberalism, and Health Inequalities." 58 Social Science & Medicine (2004): 41-56.

Coburn, David. "Income Inequality, Social Cohesion, and the Health Status of Populations: The Role of Neo-Liberalism." 51 Social Science & Medicine (2000): 135-46.

Cohen, Hillel W. and Mary E. Northridge. "Getting Political: Racism and Urban Health" 90(6) American Journal of Public Health (June, 2000): 841-843.Commonwealth Fund. U.S. Minority Health: A Chartbook. New York, May, 1999.

Comstock, R. Dawn, Edward M. Castillo and Suzanne P. Lindsay. "Four-Year Review of the Use of Race and Ethnicity in Epidemiologic and Public Health Research." 159 American Journal of Epidemiology (2004): 611-619.

Cooper, Richard, Joan F. Kennelly, Ramon Rurzo-Arvizu, Hyun-Joo Oh, George Kaplan and John Lynch. "Relationship Between Premature Mortality and Socioeconomic Factors in Black and White Populations of U.S. Metropolitan Areas" 116 Public Health Reports (September-October, 2001): 464-473.

Dalgren, G. "Strategies for Reducing Social Inequities in Health-Visions and Reality," in Equity in Health Through Public Policy, Ollila E. Koivusalo, et al. (eds) Helsinki: STAKES (National Research and Development Center for Health and Welfare, 1997.

Daniels, Norman, Bruce Kennedy, and Ichiro Kawachi. Is Inequality Bad for Our Health? Boston: Beacon Press, 2000.

Davey Smith, George, ed. Health Inequalities: Lifecourse Approaches. London: The Policy Press, 2003Davey Smith, George, Daniel Dorling and Mary Shaw, eds. Poverty, Inequality and Health in Britain: 1800-2000, A Reader. Bristol: Policy Press, 2001.

Davey Smith, George. "Learning to Live with Complexity: Ethnicity, Socioeconomic Position, and Health in Britain and the United States." 90(11) American Journal of Public Health(November, 2000): 1694-1698.


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Davey Smith, G., C. Hart, G.Watt, D. Hole, and V. Hawthorne. "Individual Social Class, Area-Based Deprivation, Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors and Mortality: The Renfrew and Paisley Study" 52 Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health (1998): 399-405.

Davey Smith, George, C. Hart, D.Blane, C. Gillis, and V. Hawthorne. "Lifetime Socioeconomic Position and Mortality: Prospective Observational Study" 314 British Medical Journal (1997): 547-52.

Davey Smith, George. "Income Inequality and Mortality: Why Are They Related?" 312 British Medical Journal (April 20, 1996): 987-988.

Deaton, Angus and Christina Paxson. "Mortality, Education, Income and Inequality Among American Cohorts," in Topics in Aging Volume, David A. Wise, ed. Chicago: Chicago University Press, 2001.

Diderichsen, F., Timothy Evans, and Margaret Whitehead. "The Social Basis of Disparities in Health," in Challenging Inequities in Health: >From Ethics to Action, Timothy Evans, et al. (eds) New York: Oxford University Press, 2001: 13-23.

Diderichsen, F. and J. Hallqvist, "Social Inequalities in Health: Some Methodological Considerations for the Study of Social Position and Social Context," in Inequality in Health: A Swedish Perspective, B. Arve-Pares, ed. Stockholm: Swedish Council for Social Research, 1998: 25-39.

Diez Roux, Ana, et al. "Neighborhood of Residence and Incidence of Coronary Heart Disease" 345 New England Journal of Medicine (July 12, 2001): 99-106.

Diez-Roux, Ana. "Bringing Context Back Into Epidemiology: Variables and Fallacies in Multilevel Analysis" 88(2) American Journal of Public Health (1998): 216-222.

Duleep, H.O. "Mortality and Income Inequality" 58 Social Security Bulletin (1995): 34-50.Dunn, James R. Are Widening Income Inequalities Making Canada Less Healthy? Toronto: The Health Determinants Partnership Making Connections Project. March, 2002. http://www.making-connections.comEpstein, Helen. "Enough to Make You Sick?" New York Times Magazine (October 12, 2003).

Evans, R.G., M.L. Barer, and T.R. Marmot, eds. Why Are Some People Healthy and Others Are Not? Determinants of Health of Populations. New York: Aldine de Gruyer, 1994.

Evans, Timothy, et al. (eds) Challenging Inequities in Health: From Ethics to Action. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001.Farmer, Paul. Infections and Inequalities: The Modern Plagues. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1999.


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Fein, Oliver. "The Influence of Social Class on Health Status: American and British Research on Health Inequalties," 10 Journal of General Internal Medicine (1995): 577-86.

Feit, Marvin D. and Michael J. Holosko. Health and Poverty. Haworth Press, 1997.

Fitzpatrick, Kevin and Mark LaGory. Unhealthy Places: The Ecology of Risk in the Urban Landscape. New York: Routledge, 2000.Forbes, I. (ed.) Health Inequalities: Poverty and Policy. London: Academy for Learned Societies for the Social Sciences, 2001.

Fort, Meredith, Mary Anne Mercer and Oscar Gish. Sickness and Wealth: The Corporate Assault on Global Health. Boston: South End Press, 2004.

Freudenberg, Nicholas. "Time for a National Agenda to Improve the Health of Urban Populations." 90(6) American Journal of Public Health (June 2000): 837-840.

Fullilove, Mindy Thompson, Lesley Green, and Robert E. Fullilove III. "Building Momentum: An Ethnographic Study of Inner-City Redevelopment." 89(6) American Journal of Public Health(June, 1999): 840-844.

Fullilove, Mindy Thompson. "Psychiatric Implications of Displacement: Contributions From the Psychology of Place" 153 American Journal of Psychiatry (1996): 1516-1523.Geronimus, Arline T. and J. Phillip Thompson. "To Denigrate, Ignore, or Disrupt: Racial Inequality in Health and the Impact of a Policy-Induced Breakdown of African American Communities" 1 Du Bois Review (2004): 247-79.

Geronimus, Arline T. "Understanding and Eliminating Racial Inequalities in Women's Health in the US: The Role of the Weathering Conceptual Framework" 56 Journal of the Medical Women's Association (2001): 133-36.

Geronimus, Arline T. "To Mitigate, Resist, or Undo: Addressing Structural Influences on the Health of Urban Populations" 90 American Journal of Public Health (2000): 867-72.

Gilson, Lucy. "Re-addressing Equity: The Importance of EthicalProcesses," in Reforming Health Sectors, A. Mills (ed) London: Kegan Paul, 2001.

Gilson, Lucy. "In Defence and Pursuit of Equity" 47 Social Science and Medicine (1998): 1891-96.Glyn, A. and D. Miliband. Paying for Inequality: The Economic Costs of Social Injustice. London UK: IPPR/Rivers Press, 1994.

Gostin, Lawrence O., Jo Ivey Boufford and Rose Marie Martinez. "The Future of the Public's Health: Vision, Values, and Strategies" 23(4) Health Affairs (July/August, 2004): 97-107.


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Graham, Hilary and Michael P. Kelly, "Health Inequalities: Concepts, Frameworks and Policy." National Health Service, Health Development Agency. Briefing paper, 2005. 

Graham, Hilary. "Social Determinants and Their Unequal Distribution: Clarifying Policy Understandings" 82(1) The Milbank Quarterly (2004): 101-124.

Graham, Hilary. (ed.) Understanding Health Inequalities. Buckingham: Open University Press, 2000.

Gwatkin, D.R. "Health Inequalities and the Health of the Poor: What Do We Know? What Can We Do?" 78(1) Bulletin of the World Health Organization (2000): 3-18 Hahn, R.A., et al. "Poverty and Death in the United States" 26(4) International Journal of Health Services (1996): 673-690. 

Ssd Hamlin, Christopher. Public Health and Social Justice in the Age of Chadwick: Britain 1800-1854. London: Cambridge University Press, 1998.

Hayward, Karen and Ronald Colman. The Tides of Change: Addressing Inequity and Chronic Disease in Atlantic Canada-A Discussion Paper. Prepared for the Population and Public Health Branch, Atlantic Regional Office, Health Canada (July, 2003). Health Canada, Health Promotion and Programs Branch. Taking Action on Population Health. A position paper for Health Promotion and Programs Branch staff. Ottawa, Ontario, 1998. 

Healton, Cheryl and Kathleen Nelson. "Reversal of Misfortune: Viewing Tobacco as a Social Justice Issue" 94 American Journal of Public Health (2004): 186-191.

Hillemeier, Marianne M., John Lynch, Sam Harper and Michele Casper. "Measurement Issues in Social Determinants: Measuring Contextual Characteristics for Community Health" 38(6), Part II HSR: Health Services Research (December, 2003): 1645-1718.

Hofrichter, Richard ed. Health and Social Justice: Politics, Ideology, and Inequity in the Distribution of Disease. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass/John Wiley, 2003.

Holland, P., L Berney, D. Blane, and G. Davey Smith, D.J. Gunnell and S.M. Montgomery. "Life Course Accumulation of Disadvantage: Childhood Health and Hazard Exposure During Adulthood" 50 Social Science & Medicine (2000): 1285-1295.

House, James S. and David R. Williams. "Understanding and Reducing Socioeconomic and Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Health," in Promoting Health: Intervention Strategies from Social and Behavioral Research, Brian D. Smedley and Leonard S. Syme, eds. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 2000: 81-115.

International Society for Equity in Health/Global Equity Gauge Alliance. The Equity Gauge: Concepts, Principles, and Guidelines. Global Equity Gauge Alliance and Health Systems Trust, 2003. Available at: http://www.gega.org.za/


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Isaacs, Stephen L. and Steven A. Schroeder. "Class-The Ignored Determinant of the Nation's Health" 351 (11) New England Journal of Medicine (2004): 1137-1142.

Jackson, Sharon A., Roger T. Anderson, Norman J. Johnson, and Paul D. Sorlie. "The Relation of Residential Segregation to All-Cause Mortality: A Study in Black and White." 90(4) American Journal of Public Health (April, 2000): 615-617.

Jennings, Tim and Gert Scheerder. Tackling Social Inequalities in Health: The Role of Health Promotion. Brussels: Flemish Institute for Health Promotion/European Network of Health Promotion Agencies, 2002.

Jerome Levy Economics Institute of Bard College. The Macrodynamics of Inequality in the Industrialized and Developing Countries. Conference Proceedings. New York, Annandale-on-Hudson (October 28-29, 1999).

Jones, Camara Phyllis "Race, Racism, and Epidemiological Practice," 154(4) American Journal of Epidemiology (August 15, 2001): 299-304.

Jones, Camara Phyllis. "Levels of Racism: A Theoretic Framework and a Gardner's Tale" 90(8) American Journal of Public Health (August, 2000): 1212-1215.

Jones, Loring. "The Health Consequences of Economic Recessions," in Health and Poverty, Michael J. Holosko and Marvin D. Feit eds. New York: The Haworth Press, 1997.

Kaplan, George and John W. Lynch "Is Economic Policy Health Policy?" [Editorial] 91(3) American Journal of Public Health" (2001): 351-352.

Kaplan, G.A., E. Pamuk, J.W. Lynch, J.W. Cohen, and J.L. Balfour. "Income Inequality and Mortality in the United States: Analysis of Mortality and Potential Pathways" 312 British Medical Journal (1996): 999-1003.

Karlsen, Saffron and James Y. Nazroo. "Relation Between Racial Discrimination, Social Class, and Health Among Ethnic Minority Groups," 92(4) American Journal of Public Health (April, 2002): 624-631.

Karpati, Adam, B. Kerker, F. Mostashari, T. Singh, A Hajat, L. Thorpe, M. Bassett, K. Henning, T. Frieden, Health Disparities in New York City. New York: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, 2004.

Karpati, Adam, Sandro Galea, Tamara Awerbuch and Richard Levins. "Variability and Vulnerability at the Ecological Level: Implications for Understanding the Social Determinants of Health." 92 (11) American Journal of Public Health (November, 2002): 1768-1772.

Kaufman, Jay S. and R.S. Cooper. "Seeking Causal Explanations in Social Epidemiology" 150 (2) American Journal of Epidemiology (1999): 113-120.


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Kawachi, Ichiro and Sarah P. Wamala (eds). Globalization and Health. New York: Oxford University Press (forthcoming).

Kawachi, Ichiro and Lisa Berkman (eds.) Neighborhoods and Health. New York: Oxford University Press, 2003.

Kawachi, Ichiro and Bruce P. Kennedy. The Health of Nations: Why Justice is Good for Our Health. New York: The New Press, 2002.

Kawachi, Ichiro, Bruce P. Kennedy, and Richard G. Wilkinson (eds.) The Society and Population Health Reader: Income Inequality and Health. New York: The New Press, 1999.

Kawachi, Ichiro, B. Kennedy, V. Gupta, and D. Prothrow-Stith. "Women's Status and the Health of Men and Women: A View From the States," 48 Social Science & Medicine (1999): 21-32. 

Keleher, Helen and Berni Murphy. Understanding Health: A Determinants Approach. London: Oxford University Press, 2004. 

Kennedy, Bruce, Ichiro Kawachi, Kimberly Lochner, Camara P. Jones, and Deborah Prothrow-Stith, "(Dis)respect and Black Mortality," in The Society and Population Health Reader: Income Inequality and Health, Kawachi, et al., eds. New York: New Press, 1999.

Kim, Jim Yong, Joyce V. Millen, Alec Irwin, and John Gershman (eds.) Dying for Growth: Global Inequality and the Health of the Poor.  Monroe Maine: Common Courage Press, 2000.

Kington, R. and H. Nickens. "The Health of African Americans: Recent Trends, Current Patterns, Future Directions," in America Becoming: Racial Trends and Their Consequences, Volume 2. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 2001.

Krieger, Nancy ed. Embodying Inequality: Epidemiologic Perspectives. Amityville, NY: Baywood Publishing, 2004.

Krieger, James and Donna L. Higgins. "Housing and Health: Time Again for Public Health Action," 92(5) American Journal of Public Health (May, 2002): 758-768.

Krieger, Nancy, Pamela D. Waterman, David H. Rehkopf, and S.V. Subramanian. "Race/Ethnicity, Gender and Monitoring Socioeconomic Gradients in Health: A Comparison of Area-Based Socioeconomic Measures-The Public Health Disparities Geocoding Project." 93(10) American Journal of Public Health (2003): 1655-1671.

Krieger, Nancy. "Does Racism Harm Health? Did Child Abuse Exist Before 1962? On Explicit Questions, Critical Science, and Current Controversies: An Ecosocial Perspective" 93(2) American Journal of Public Health (February, 2003): 194-199.

Krieger, Nancy. "The Ostrich, The Albatross and Public Health: An Ecosocial Perspective-Or Why an Explicit Focus on Health Consequences of Discrimination and Deprivation Is Vital for Good Science and Public Health Practice." 116(5) Public Health Reports (2001): 419-423.


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Krieger, Nancy. "A Glossary for Social Epidemiology," 23(1) Epidemiological Bulletin (March, 2002).

Krieger, Nancy. "Historical Roots of Social Epidemiology: Socioeconomic Gradients in Health and Contextual Analysis," 30 International Journal of Epidemiology (2001): 899-903.

Krieger, Nancy. "Theories for Social Epidemiology in the 21st Century: An Ecosocial Perspective" 30 International Journal of Epidemiology (2001): 668-677.

Krieger, Nancy and Sofia Gruskin "Frameworks Matter: Ecosocial and Health and Human Rights Perspectives on Disparities in Women's Health-The Case of Tuberculosis" 56(4) Journal of the American Medical Women's Association (Fall 2001): 137-142.

Krieger, Nancy. "Epidemiology and Social Sciences: Towards A Critical Reengagement in the 21stCentury" 22 Epidemiologic Reviews (2000): 155-63.

Krieger, Nancy. "Discrimination and Health," in Social Epidemiology, Lisa Berkman and Ichiro Kawachi, eds. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000: 36-75.

Krieger, Nancy. "Embodying Inequality: A Review of Concepts, Measures, and Methods for Studying Health Consequences of Discrimination" 29(2) International Jl of Health Services(1999): 295-352.

Krieger, Nancy. "Questioning Epidemiology: Objectivity, Advocacy, and Socially Responsible Science." 89(8) American Journal of Public Health (August, 1999): 1151-1153.

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Krieger, Nancy, David R. Williams, and Nancy E. Moss "Measuring Social Class in US Public Health Research: Concepts, Methodologies, and Guidelines," Annual Reviews of Public Health 18 (1997): 341-378.

Krieger, Nancy and S. Zierler. "What Explains the Public's Health?: A Call for Epidemiologic Theory 7 Epidemiology (1996): 107-109.

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Krieger, Nancy, D.L. Rowley, A. Herman, B. Avery, and M.T. Phillips. "Racism, Sexism, and Social Class: Implications for Studies of Health, Disease, and Well-Being" 9(6 supp.) American Journal of Preventive Medicine (1993): 82-122.

Kruger, Jennifer Prah. "Health and Social Justice" 364 The Lancet (2004): 1075-1080.


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Kubzansky, Laura D., Nancy Krieger, Ichiro Kawachi, Beverly Rockhill, Gillian K. Steel, and Lisa Berkman "United States: Social Inequality and the Burden of Poor Health," in Challenging Inequities in Health: From Ethics to Action, Timothy Evans, et al. (eds.) New York: Oxford University Press, 2001.

Kuh, Diana, Rebecca Hardy, Claudia Langneberg, Marcus Richards, and Michael E.J. Wordsworth. "Mortality in Adults Aged 26-54 Years Related to Socioeconomic Conditions in Childhood and Adulthood: Post War Birth Cohort Study," 325 British Medical Journal (9 November 2002): 1076-1080.

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Tuitio ad servitium pauperum -- Breath & Shadow: 

"Canada is not a country for the cold of heart or the cold of feet." ~ Pierre Elliot Trudeau. 

"I sit on a person's back, choking them and making them carry me, and yet I assure myself and others that I am very sorry for them and wish to ease their lot by all possible means -- except by getting off their back." ~Leo Tolstoy.

"Those who do not feel pain much, seldom think that it is felt. And yes, to wipe all tears from all faces is a task too hard for mortals; but to alleviate misfortunes is often within the most limited power: yet the opportunities which every day affords of relieving the most wretched of human beings are overlooked and neglected with equal disregard of policy and goodness." 
~ Samuel Johnson.

Live to make a Just Society every day -- Ne lache pas!

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