[homeles_ot-l] Notice of Memorial (attached poster)

Darryl Andre Darryl.A at davesmithcentre.org
Wed Sep 10 15:03:27 EDT 2008

Nice to hear from you, Jane.

The issue here is not one of truth, either way.
The issue is it is inappropriate to ask community service providers to align themselves with conjecture, albeit purportedly fact based.

Though you (and others) may have knowledge and experience that underscores the circumstances in this case, the service providers being asked to post this invitation to a memorial service may not.

Therefore, asking for "endorsement by association" is (for me) inappropriate. As such, it could in effect cause more harm, since there are clients who could construe the information on the invitation in ways that could undermine effective service they may be currently be receiving from child welfare agencies.

I believe that there is most definitely a platform to bring the truth to light. 
This request to post an invitation to a memorial service may not be it.


Darryl Andre


Darryl André, Substance Abuse Counsellor

Dave Smith Youth Treatment Centre (DSYTC)

786 Bronson Ave. Ottawa, ON K1S 4G4

613-594-8333 xt. 112

fax: 613-594-5623


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-----Original Message-----
From: JANE SCHARF [mailto:janescharf at rogers.com] 
Sent: September 10, 2008 2:37 PM
To: Darryl Andre; John Dunn
Subject: RE: [homeles_ot-l] Notice of Memorial (attached poster)

Hi Darryl,

I don't understand why the truth cannot be spoken at a memorial. Dee left a suicide note that made it clear why she was killing herself. And I was a witness to some of the abuse she received. Dee's community are activists. We speak up and get involved so the information about how this is going to be managed politically is important to us. It helps us deal with the grief. This was a tragic senseless death and adverse treatment by the CAS is the greatest factor contributing to her death.

The treatment she received from CAS was without a valid cause, vicious and relentless until they pushed her over the edge. For example Darryl there was no valid cause to open the file in the first place and they applied to the court for a supervision order based on an affidavit that the baby tested positive to pot. This was done with one days notice while she was still in the hospital recovering from cicerone section and the baby was being operated on for spinabifita. She was told by hospital staff that the tests were negative and she acquired the records. There were also several other false statements in the affidavit meant to villainize her before the courts. As you are aware this is an all to common practice of the CAS because the funding formula rewards the societies financially for apprehension. 

If I died like this I would want the truth to be known at my memorial. I would not want those remembering me to help protect the CAS from accountability for their actions by remaining silent so that they might appear to be politically correct.

I strongly believe that poor women are under attack by CAS and that we need to stand up and fight back. Speaking out is the first and necessary step of defense. And this needs to be done without the fear of being attacked for being politically incorrect. 

Jane Scharf

--- On Wed, 9/10/08, Darryl Andre <Darryl.A at davesmithcentre.org> wrote:

> From: Darryl Andre <Darryl.A at davesmithcentre.org>
> Subject: RE: [homeles_ot-l] Notice of Memorial (attached poster)
> To: "John Dunn" <afterfostercare at hotmail.com>, "Homeless_Ottawa, 
> homeless_Ottawa" <homeles_ot-l at list.web.net>
> Cc: "Scharf, Jane" <janescharf at rogers.com>
> Received: Wednesday, September 10, 2008, 1:32 PM My deepest sympathies 
> go out to the global loss of this young woman.
> However, if would be grossly (professionally) irresponsible to post 
> this notice - since one would align themselves with the clear 
> allegations charged within.
> As a memorial invitation for Dee, perhaps a revised version could be 
> sent that excludes blame?
> ______________________________
> Darryl André, Substance Abuse Counsellor
> Dave Smith Youth Treatment Centre (DSYTC)
> 786 Bronson Ave. Ottawa, ON K1S 4G4
> 613-594-8333 xt. 112
> fax: 613-594-5623
> www.davesmithcentre.org
> <http://www.davesmithcentre.org/>
> This communication is intended to be received by the individual or 
> entity to whom or to which is addressed and contains information that 
> is privileged, confidential and subject to copyright. Any unauthorized 
> use, copying, review or disclosure is prohibited. If received in 
> error, please contact me at the telephone number above. Thank you.
> Cette Communication doit être reçue seulement par le/la ou les 
> destinataire(s) et l'information contenue est de nature privilégiée, 
> confidentielle et sujette au droit d'auteur. Tout emploi non autorisé 
> de ce message est interdit. Si cette communication vous a été 
> acheminée par erreur, veuillez en aviser le/la soussigné(e) au numéro 
> de téléphone mentionné ci-dessus. Merci.
> ________________________________
> From: homeles_ot-l-bounces at list.web.net 
> [mailto:homeles_ot-l-bounces at list.web.net] On Behalf Of John Dunn
> Sent: September 10, 2008 12:46 PM
> To: Homeless_Ottawa, homeless_Ottawa
> Cc: Scharf, Jane
> Subject: Re: [homeles_ot-l] Notice of Memorial (attached
> poster)
> Please forgive me as I forgot to attach the poster.
> (it is a large 3MB file - please be patient while
> downloading)
> Please post this in your organization's lobby or on the community 
> bulletin board.
> See attached:
> Again, if you have concerns regarding the content of the flyer contact 
> janescharf at rogers.com
> Sincerely
> John Dunn
> Executive Director
> The Foster Care Council of Canada
> http://www.afterfostercare.ca
> <http://www.afterfostercare.ca/>
> ________________________________
> From: afterfostercare at hotmail.com
> To: homeles_ot-l at list.web.net
> Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2008 12:42:23 -0400
> CC: janescharf at rogers.com
> Subject: Re: [homeles_ot-l] Notice of Memorial - for street
> involved "Dee" - Sun. Sept 14, 2008 7pm - Human
> Rights Monument
> Hi Susan,
> Obviously Dee, who is now deceased could not give anyone
> "her permission" about how to manage her own
> memorial. However, Dee's mother, who has survived her
> daughter, and who is now taking care of Dee's child
> approves of the memorial and is deeply involved in this
> "political cause" to reform the administrative
> practices of Children's Aid Societies across the
> province in the hope of preventing the deaths of other
> vulnerable mothers.
> And since I personally knew Dee, I know she would
> completely approve of us speaking the truth about what
> happened to her and she would be proud that we have picked
> up on and continued HER CAUSE.
> As for my email address not being on the website, I do have
> a link which says "Contact Us" that leads you to a
> forum where you can leave a text message as a way of
> reducing spam to my email address. Feel free to visit that
> again to leave a message any time.
> If you would like to contact the author of the poster
> (attached) email Jane Scharf at janescharf at rogers.com
> See the attached Poster for information on the memorial and
> you care to learn more feel free to join her facebook group
> which was started by her mother at
> http://www.new.facebook.com/group.php?gid=24106098188
> You can also see her website when she ran for Council in
> the last City of Ottawa election for College Ward and got
> over 1500 votes!
> http://voteforlauralee.tripod.com/
> Sincerely
> John Dunn 
> Executive Director (Volunteer)
> The Foster Care Council of Canada 
> http://www.afterfostercare.ca
> <http://www.afterfostercare.ca/> 
> ________________________________
> From: msoim at hotmail.com
> To: afterfostercare at hotmail.com
> Subject: RE: [homeles_ot-l] Notice of Memorial - for street
> involved "Dee" - Sun. Sept 14, 2008 7pm - Human
> Rights Monument
> Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2008 09:15:59 -0600
> Since there is no way to contact John Dunn as his site has
> no email address I will address my question on this forum
> Mr John Dunn
> Has the recently deceased Dee given you her permission to
> use her death as a platform to further your political cause
> Just wondering?
> Blessings Susan 
> Susan Brandt 
> Street Level 
>  www.streetlevelconsulting.ca 
> msoim at hotmail.com
> ________________________________
> From: afterfostercare at hotmail.com
> To: homeles_ot-l at list.web.net
> Date: Tue, 9 Sep 2008 23:19:57 -0400
> Subject: [homeles_ot-l] Notice of Memorial - for street
> involved "Dee" - Sun. Sept 14, 2008 7pm - Human
> Rights Monument
> Did you or do you live on the streets? Did you know a young
> woman named Dee? She was also in attendance at the Homeless
> Action Strike in Ottawa.
> I will send a PDF flyer soon, for posting at various
> locations and community centres, but Dee has unfortunately
> passed away at the age of just 20. There will be a memorial
> for her at the Human Rights Monument in Ottawa, Sunday the
> 14th of September at 7pm.
> The poster will have the following words on it and it will
> have her picture as well. This is more of a Notice of a
> pending message to the list.
> The words will say something similar to this
> Several people will speak about what happened and what
> action will be taken in connection with the Children's
> Aid Societies which are responsible for her suicide to see
> to it that no other young lives are ended senselessly
> The poster will be posted to this list when posted.
> Sincerely
> John Dunn 
> Executive Director
> The Foster Care Council of Canada 
> http://www.afterfostercare.ca
> <http://www.afterfostercare.ca/> 
> ________________________________
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> get regular news, sports and  finance updates. Try it today!
> <http://www.msnmobile.ca/>  
> ________________________________
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