[homeles_ot-l] FW: Moving in the Right Direction: SEEI Final Report Now Available

Tim D. Aubry taubry at uottawa.ca
Thu Jun 4 15:58:18 EDT 2009



From: Nandini Saxena [mailto:nandini_saxena at camh.net] 
Sent: Thursday, June 04, 2009 2:53 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients
Subject: Moving in the Right Direction: SEEI Final Report Now Available 


Dear OMHAKEN Members,


The final report for the Systems Enhancement Evaluation Initiative
(SEEI) is now available! 


The report provides a high level summary of the results of the SEEI,
which as many of you know, was a four year initiative to evaluate the
effects of the $167 million dollar government investment in Ontario's
community mental health system. Results show that the new funds have
made a significant difference in a variety of ways and that Ontario's
community mental health system is moving in the right direction. 


Some of the key messages that the report highlights and expands upon are
as follows: 


*	Programs substantially increased the number of clients they were
able to serve. However, the newly enhanced community mental health
system still does not have the capacity to serve all those in need. 
*	Clients of newly-enhanced programs experienced a range of
positive outcomes. 
*	New funds were used to innovate and develop more efficient and
effective program-level services. 
*	System integration was expanded and improved when funds were
targeted specifically towards integration activities. 
*	Matching the level of care that client's need with the level
they receive has improved. There are, however, still many people
receiving less than recommended levels of care.     


You can read about these and other results by saving the attached PDF
version of the report to your computer, or going to the ehealthontario
portal to download the report by clicking here.


Please distribute this report widely to your networks. 


For those of you interested in learning more about the study from the
SEEI researchers themselves, the upcoming Making Gains conference will
feature a session with SEEI researchers presenting findings. The link to
the Making Gains Conference website is available here.


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